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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Was anyone else somewhat disappointed by the apparent conclusion of the Kettleman storyline?
  2. Could be, but I'd like to see what happens. I know what happens with the other two who were with Tuco. But Nacho is a new character with supposedly serious smarts.
  3. I too try avoiding sit ups and crunches because they aggravate a back injury. One key thing to remember if you're trying to isolate your abs is that they are relatively small. You can exhaust them quickly, but they also recover quickly. Otherwise, one key concept is to always contract your abs no matter what you're doing. Try lowering your stance and staying contracted while sprinting up a hill. Oddly, most people clench their jaws while running; concentrate that energy on contracting your abs. Sitting behind the wheel? Contract and relax. Contract and relax. The best part is it honestly doesn't take long once you get in the habit.
  4. I do fruit and oatmeal. Problem is, I also do boiled eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc
  5. I love broccoli, but not uncooked broccoli. Cooking it, however, rids it of most of its nutritional value. So, I just throw raw broccoli into my salads and make sure its wrapped with lettuce or other vegetables when I eat it. If I could wean myself off huge breakfasts, I think I could slim my midsection down considerably. I've successfully cut down portion sizes for other meals and have eliminated snacks completely (save for the occasional bag of baby carrots I buy for snacking when I know I won't have much going on). I had a weird cold this past week and today was my first day in the gym since last Saturday. I feel like I've lost months of progress in one week.
  6. For Seahawks fans, I believe Panda antivirus is recommended.
  7. I wonder if a few other minor characters from BB will be worked in somehow.... Jesse's little brother, the dirtbike kid from season 5, any of that gang of ex-cons from season 5, etc. I like how they used the Tuco storyline to introduce Nacho. I am curious to learn why he wasn't around for the events in Breaking Bad.
  8. IIRC, she was 10ish on BB. BCS takes place 6 years before the end of Breaking Bad. The whole Breaking Bad story covered 2 ish years. So, so if she was shown on BB at about age 10 about a year before the end, that would make her about 5 in the BCS timeline.
  9. Definitely HIIT with a proper diet for stomach fat. Bodybuilding.com has diet guidelines. I can't vouch for it, but the info seems good at a quick glance. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wotw40.htm I like to incorporate a little more into HIIT routines than what is on that page, but it looks like a good place to start (I seem to recall you saying you've been more active recently, but idk). One thing I absolutely love incorporating is a day of solely tabata. It will leave you feeling exhausted and wonderful at that same time. http://www.active.com/fitness/articles/what-is-tabata-trainingI do 8 sets of 5 exercises.
  10. no wonder they think my 3 inch killa is huge
  11. I've seen women squat 275, but I don't think I've ever seen a woman bench 160. Impressive!
  12. My mouth dropped when I heard a female Army drill sergeant tell about 15 females, and I quote, "when I call you to attention, I better hear 30 pussy lips snapping." Ross's character was an officer in an infantry paratrooper unit. He wasn't training recruits. The real guy he portrayed really was a big talker who barely made the minimum cut offs for physical fitness tests. He was portrayed that way on purpose.
  13. So many posts without pictures
  14. How's everyone's progress? Gains weren't really my goal, but if they were, I would be pretty satisfied by what I've done so far. I've put on a little over 20 lbs. in 6 months. I think it's all lean, but idk. My clothes still fit the same. As much as I love lifting, I suppose I need to get back into cardio and interval training.
  15. That bottom set looks like a real cat
  16. More of this if there more posts without pictures
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