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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. There's a lot of value in being a great STs guy - albeit less than there used to be as the NFL continues to try to neuter that aspect of the game.
  2. Good luck to the Saints if they manage to find the Draft capital / Cap Space to pull this off. Personally I'm very much of the opinion that I don't care what our divisional rivals do until we get our own house in order. We massively over performed last year considering the talent on the roster. That's an exciting place to be as it means our coaching staff is top notch. However, we HAVE to capitalise on this by follow up last year's excellent Draft with another very good one this year. We're at least another year away from credibly competing for the Division title (I don't care about being in contention for the now bloated Playoffs - that's not how you consistently win) and possibly turning this sinking ship around.
  3. The problem is we didn't surround them with enough talent. There's a reason we've never had back-to-back winning seasons despite being able to roll out a lineup like that for 5+ years. They can't do it all on their own.
  4. The problem you have with all these QBs is that they're potentially great IF. Jones and Lawrence are the only ones who are really NFL ready and you know what you're getting right now. Fields is raw - that Ohio St system didn't do him any favours. Wilson needs to rework his footwork. Lance needs a boat load of work across the board. So if you're an NFL GM you've got to really trust your QB Coach to take a few of these guys. There's no guarantee you can change someone's footwork / ability to process information at this stage of their career. Josh Allen is the poster boy, but I think he's an outlier.
  5. All three had career years with Bridgewater, yes. People want to take him out of that equation for some reason. I guess it doesn't fit their narrative.
  6. Bloody hell, when did we sign the second best trio at WR? Well done, Marty Hurney I say. Masterful job of acquiring talent.
  7. It is a huge ding on all the kids that opted out. I include Greg Rousseau in that group too - he was a moron to sit out the season.
  8. Huh, odd move. Unless he plays an entirely different season to his wife that's a weird choice.
  9. He'll live and die by the Draft, as they all do. We'll judge him after that.
  10. I mean Joe Burrow was taken #1 overall as a 24 year old rookie. Jones will go somewhere in the first round, but nobody has compared him to Burrow as an athlete.
  11. I'm ok with this as long as you run him into the ground ala how the Ravens are using Jackson (and how we didn't use Newton). Don't take a running QB and try to make him a passer. Take a running QB and build the offence around designed QB runs.
  12. I think you'll find one of those firsts was for taking Jared Goff's contract off their hands. It's an absolute albatross.
  13. I know the NFL Draft is about projection, but one dude played two years for Alabama and won the National Championship putting up ridiculous numbers on a loaded team. The other played a single season in the FBS (and hasn't played in a year) and won the National Championship putting up ridiculous numbers on a loaded team. If you can't see why some teams would have Jones above Lance then I don't know what to tell you.
  14. Their option right now is trade Watson (and then find a replacement in the Draft / through the trade), or call Watson's bluff and be forced to start McCarron.
  15. There's 0% chance they're starting the season with AJ McCarron under C.
  16. I genuinely don't think he was 'beat out' by Hill. I think Payton spent the year reworking Winston as a QB because he sees him as the long term solution. He much preferred to throw Hill to the wolves rather than unleash Winston before he's ready. I guess we'll see if I'm right - if they let Winston walk I'm obviously not.
  17. At the end of the day they're going to have to trade him. The situation is toxic right now. For the Texans it's all about positioning yourself for the best haul to repair the damage of losing your 25 year old franchise QB. If the Jets and the Dolphins are interested I'm not even picking up the phone to the Panthers.
  18. I feel the same way, but about Trey Lance. Jones isn't making it out of the first round btw.
  19. I mean you just need to have watched them play to see that Jones had a better final season in College. Tanking for Tua was dumb - and quite frankly I hope that they try to rectify that by trading for Watson.
  20. Genuine question, what has Tua done that makes him more impressive than Jones? People poo on Jones on here, yet think Tua's part of any Dolphins deal for Watson.
  21. Here's a thought - why would be at the top of any FA QB's list? We're pushing Bridgewater out of the door after one average season. I'd be hesitant to sign on the dotted line with such a franchise if I had other options.
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