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  1. I don't think the last regime wanted to draft him either. It was a David Tepper pick.
  2. I genuinely thought he'd be blacklisted from the NFL.
  3. And somehow you lads are hosting your second World Cup in 30 years soon. Can't organize a piss up in a brewery.
  4. A third round throwaway pick? His Draft stock elevated because he's a QB in a QB needy league?
  5. And people wonder why we suck. A competent franchise would have dropped him after his rookie contract.
  6. What's the plan if he continues to stink after 6 games? At least bring in some viable competition for him.
  7. Arizona moved on from Rosen. When you know you know. Also there's no way you're telling me Reich and McCown wanted Young over Stroud. Absolutely no way. Tepper influenced the pick (and trade) last year.
  8. Looking at the empty stadium its clear the other part of the fan base has given up too.
  9. He doubled down on Bryce Young. He doesn't want to win, he wants to be proven right.
  10. Football might not be basic business, but authorised trading 5 premium players away for a 5'10", severely physically limited QB was the dumbest move I've ever seen.
  11. He owns, and has systematically destroyed, the NFL team I support. Of course he lives in my head.
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