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  1. Winners dive on fumbles during the Super Bowl.
  2. How did we botch it? He was handled with kid gloves. That said, we should cut him now. He'll be a non-contributor for 2 years. No use for him on the roster.
  3. Who is Alex Bryant and does he know what our roster looked like at the start of this year?
  4. You see it on the field - players are put in positions to make plays and they're simply not talented enough to do it. The London TD over the middle - there's two Safeties there doing nothing. The Robinson TD run to tie it up at the end of the game - there's three Panthers there that let him outrun them all to the edge.
  5. Snow doesn't really have a system, he adapts. He ran a 3-3-5 at times here.
  6. I think that has to be for a promotion. You rarely see coordinators make a sideways move (well, employed ones anyway).
  7. LOL he's a really good DC. I've no idea why people want him fired.
  8. Who would say yes to coaching this set of defensive players?
  9. Tell that to our players. How the fug did Robinson beat 3 players round the edge for their final TD?
  10. His improved play simply isn't good enough. We're wasting another season running him out there as the starter.
  11. That's concerning. What's also concerning is they're talking about Young like he's the nailed on starter next year. That's terrifying.
  12. He's just a terrible professional football player, his age is irrelevant. He should never play for us again.
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