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Everything posted by frankw

  1. If you are going to feel bad for anyone it should be the rookies and second or third year players on affordable contracts and the value within to the franchise. They are in there trying to increase their worth and the Panthers are trying to build on that while the young core is still in place. Unfortunately their contributions to the team went to waste with instances like two yard passes on fourth and long so the sob story isn't going to make it far.
  2. After a few months of the team putting out negative press about him this should be common sense but somehow people still aren't reading the tea leaves.
  3. I'm all for ending the personal attacks which are unnecessary but man speaking situational football wise it was pretty damn terrible. If you were to go back and rewatch the tape of some of those squandered drives you would probably lose your lunch. When people were wondering whether Kyle Allen could have faired similarly for much less financial commitment that about says it all. Allen by the way took quite a beating from the fanbase too.
  4. If the Panthers feel as down on him as they have expressed in their barbs to the media the last few months why would they want him trying to mentor the next guy anyway? Everyone is just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  5. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31243870/former-kansas-city-chiefs-assistant-britt-reid-charged-felony-dwi Drunk off his ass driving 84 mph and you seek to blame the victims? That is low.
  6. If players daring to be outspoken is such a burden on your psyche there are other sports you can follow. It's honestly weird to be a fan and cheer louder for the billionaires while talking down to the athletes who make the game worth watching. You give off Donald Sterling vibes Scott.
  7. 12 billion in revenue in 2020 and you're talking millions like the players run the league. Come on now.
  8. He's 23 years old and plays in a league where grown men pound each other into soil for amusement. Is it really that big of a deal?
  9. Are you okay? Why do you have so much anger for players who are the ones actually risking themselves for entertainment and not the billionaires who hold fans over a barrel with things like psls whether the franchise is good or bad? On top of all that the same billionaires expect taxpayers to foot the bill for what amounts to a gigantic billion dollar amusement park.
  10. It is possible to be a realist about the team and expect the worst without projecting your own inadequacies via awkward criticism of another mans physical appearance because of circumstances outside of his control. But apparently that is lost on some here.
  11. Your sarcasm is appreciated. Communities such as this could benefit from a monthly or bimonthly reset of all counts to cut down on abrasive behavior and make something like negative rep unnecessary. It will never happen but it would be interesting to see.
  12. Online anonymity has degraded dialogue and interactions so much to the point where it is reflected offline now too. You see the same kind of hostility and zero to one hundred conflicts on the roads. I pity folks here who have so much invested in their accounts with rep and post count. It is a form of addiction like many other things because humanity can make just about anything destructive given enough time.
  13. There were some awkward questions in there trying to get him to speak poorly of the previous organization and the one about Teddy was such a big oof I about keeled over from the cringe.
  14. The two unknown variables to consider right now no matter who the Panthers select at pick eight are what will ultimately happen with Taylor Moton long term and the looming void at center which is also really important. The Panthers offensive line is anything but one pick away or even just a few moves away. It will be a process spanning the next few seasons and that's if everything goes according to plan and without injuries.
  15. I would be thrilled with Pitts. He would instantly improve our redzone woes.
  16. Option 2 is the only likelihood. There is no way the staff and the front office want that awkwardness looming over the '21 season and if they have to cut their losses that is what will happen. It would seem the only fans who want him to stay are the same ones who were so heavily vested in him being the heir apparent to the former quarterback they detested for a decade. The Panthers swung for the fences and they missed spectacularly. Get over it.
  17. This thread is a good example of people seeking to argue for the sake of arguing and unwilling to relent and admit they were even a little bit wrong. Sometimes we have a misinformed take just let it go and learn it's football not rocket science. There have been dozens upon dozens of discussions over the years agonizing over which third or fourth string receiver on our roster will finally have that moment and take another step. How many times did it actually happen? Now we finally have a talented wide receiver who looks like a #1 with subpar signal callers throwing to him and the most relevant topic you can talk about is how overrated he is? Where he is statistically compared to his peers in the league is irrelevant until we have a capable quarterback who can throw him the ball. Be thankful we have such a talent even worth discussing and stop focusing so hard on tearing him down because it's April and you're bored.
  18. It really cannot be understated how harshly the front office has handled this since the obvious became crystal clear. I just do not see a scenario where Teddy is here once the season begins. That bridge has been incinerated and sunken deep to the depths of the abyss. There is no going back. The only question now is how will our depth chart look come September? I still think the Panthers take a quarterback at some point in the draft. I like Will Grier as a person and do not blame him for the team drafting him where they did but that pick just isn't going to pan out unless he wakes up one morning suddenly transformed into Pat Mahomes like the movie Big with Tom Hanks.
  19. The Panthers have been poorly run for a number of years but as for being one of the worst franchises historically I don't think you can make that claim yet. The franchise is still quite young and has been in two Super Bowls in the first two decades of existence. As an expansion team we also quickly found our way into the postseason, something that other teams in our division took many years to accomplish like the Saints for example. There have also been a few franchises in recent years like the Browns and Bills that have had very lengthy playoff droughts only recently ended. So I certainly understand the frustration with current times in Panthers land but historically we have not had it nearly as bad as some other teams over the years.
  20. Wide receiver is one of the more coveted positions in the NFL now. As are dominant defensive linemen. We have a few of those approaching new contracts soon. If that is what you are worried about you should be asking why we invested 100 million dollars in two lesser valued positions in the midst of a rebuild.
  21. Only Panthers fans will fawn over the highest paid running back in the league then turn around and bash their young talented wide receiver on a rookie contract.
  22. In some ways there has been a bit of overrating DJ through fan lenses. But in that same regard there are people who try to diminish him for whatever reason despite clearly being a much needed breath of fresh air. To that I say we could end up back in the days of multiple third or fourth options in starting roles like Corey Brown or Devin Funchess or Kaelin Clay if we end up in cap hell again. 2017 anyone? Be grateful we at least have a talented wideout putting up respectable numbers for a change. We also have a solid 2nd option with Robby. How long has it been since we could say that?
  23. I'm all for optimism but it's not exactly very encouraging if you have to go back to the disco era or even further to find examples to validate the narrative.
  24. You talk like he personally took money out of your wallet. The Panthers are on their third GM since that went down and those people are gone. Let it go and move on all this spite about long settled grievances from years ago is very unhealthy guy.
  25. Whew buddy what a tumble for Panthers fans. From a young Cam Newton in his prime to a quick five years later going to bat for the definition of mediocre in Teddy Bridgewater because it's the best you've got going and to praying Sam Darnold can pull a 180 in a single offseason. You guys miss those Cam threads yet? Life comes at ya fast.
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