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Panthers Rhule

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Everything posted by Panthers Rhule

  1. If this is true, he is a SERIAL RAPIST!!! Shouldn't they be speaking with the Police instead of suing for damages? Surely 9 of them with a rich, famous and powerful attorney can go to the police now, can't they??? " especially when the accused is rich, famous or powerful." That's definitely the message the lawyer is trying to put out there publicly, isn't it. He's trying to convict in the media and rallying support with that kind of language. I would think rape victims would want this done out of the media and with the proper authorities. He is a serial rapist now after all.
  2. Nine?!!! How in the world is the the first time we've heard anything like this. Nine people were sexually assaulted and not one ever said anything until now? Not one ever filed a police report? So Deshaun Watson is a serial rapist now??? Is anyone calling the police?If this is true how can they let him walk the streets???!!! And are they all named Jane Doe?
  3. The only way I could see this as being remotely true is if they want CMC in the deal.
  4. Why trade up for them? They're both going to be there 8.
  5. Hi, welcome to 2021! We like to call this time, The PRESENT! Enjoy
  6. Not if the QB is laying on his back or running for his life which looking at this roster could be the case.
  7. This is a big jump from pervert to rapist. What are the next 3 going to allege? That he's a serial rapist? No one filed a report to the police? The one at the ATL hotel is interesting as there should be security video of he leaving and then there's the UBER drive who could testify as to her behavior. But these allegations are going to get the police involved, no?
  8. Yes, I noticed that too. We are staying young. Makes the Kerr cut understandable now as well. When it happened I was like what? Now I'm like ohhh!
  9. Does anyone have an idea how much cap space we have left?
  10. Of course he did. No surprise there. I will say though that I predict the Skins will win the NFC east and make the playoffs next season though.
  11. With 6 sacks in 40% of snaps, might be his competition
  12. I would. They are only suits. They are not criminal charges. If you are not willing to put yourself at legal risks by involving the Police then whatever. I'm tired of people trying to destroy and ruin people's careers and lives over allegations presented in suits asking for money. If he put his penis on the lady then that is a crime. And if you have proof of that crime then involve the police so he is punished appropriately and others are protected. But trying to punish someone through public scrutiny and trying to give weight to them by adding others means nothing to me. We are seeing this all the time now and in most cases the person being accused is never proven to have done anything wrong. I'm personally sick of it. If he did it, go to police not the media.
  13. At this point, with most of the Teams already having their QBs in place for next season or have their money spent and with these suspicious allegations popping up, I highly doubt the Texans will have many, if any serious offers for Watson. If Carolina still want him I don't think they will have to compete with more than 1 or maybe 2 teams. I wouldn't be surprised if we were the only team at this point to be honest. The Texans will either have to take nothing and let him sit out or take our offer. 1st and 3rd 2021, 1st in 2022 and then depending on who is bidding too, maybe a 3rd in 2022 or in 2023. The Texans screwed up by being the Texans. They should have traded him 2 weeks ago with they would have had a bidding war probably. I think we spend 3 picks, max 4. Who do you think will offer them more than 2 1sts and a 3rd at this time? Denver? Doubt it, they are in Colorado. SF? Now? No way. NE? Maybe but I doubt it plus they'd have to do better than that top beat us. WFT? Now? No way. They don't even have a proper team name or cheerleaders. The Bears are waiting for Wilson next year. Who else is there? Who is going to outbid now?
  14. I don't understand the Watson is going to destroy us crowd. Not now at least. No deal has been made yet. So, instead of getting all upset about how much is going to cost until you KNOW how much it's going to cost, why not just say when we get him for a reasonable price this could finally make this team legit again with a franchise QB. That's what I do. I agree with you that if we traded away all our picks and our best players then it will suck but I DO NOT believe that will happen at all. Not even in the slightest. Don't listen to the writers and bloggers and all these folks they just need something to talk about. I've been saying this since the Watson talks began. He isn't going to cost as much as people think he is. Some of the trade suggestions are beyond ridiculous. Just relax and enjoy the ride knowing they aren't going to trade away the whole team and future for him. Have a little faith brothers and sisters
  15. Haters gonna hate. Always have, always will. Best just to ignore them. They enjoy trying to take away from someone else's fun because their spirits are broken
  16. I've been at least pleased with every signing so fat but this one is the Cat's meow for sure. We needed another pass rusher and he fits our scheme and already knows the coaches and wasn't too expensive. Very good. It also says a lot about Rhule (and snow) that his old players all want to join him here too. Definitely helps us to use our Hybrid system better than we could last season. Being able to move players into different positions after the offense sets makes it more difficult for the offense to read our intentions for sure.
  17. Thank you for posting this. It's refreshing when someone else understands how schemes work and that when building a roster you don't go for the shiniest and most expensive gems at every position but instead put several rocks on the field with a few gems and sometimes you change those rocks depending on the situation and where you want all your stones to be at and what they are suppose to accomplish. Every off season fans confuse me. When Hurney would over pay good players who were getting old or playing a position of less importance they were happy, then when the error of doing this became clear because we couldn't get other players in positions we needed more or said players dropped in production they wanted Hurney rightfully gone. Now when we have similar situations, many want us to do it again and overpay players just because they are better than what we have at the moment. Also, people recognize that we need more depth and they are correct. But depth isn't just about replacing a "starter" when he's hurt. Proper depth is about having solid players at all positions that can do specific things in your scheme. Teams can only afford to have but so many "stars" as they cost a lot. Where you have those stars should be based on which positions are most important for your overall scheme. This off season so far, we are doing a very good job of getting affordable players that could be solid starters or temporary starters or situational players. Each player fits into our schemes and at a minimum they give us more depth which we all know we need and yet with every signing it feels like half the people don't like them even though it's exactly what they know and have said we need. I call it the Madden effect. If #52 is a 74 and #53 is a 69 then we should take #52 but that's not the right approach. You have to consider what each player does well. If #52 plays man and #53 plays zone and our scheme is zone then we should take #53. If #52 is fast and good in coverage same as #49 but #53 stops the run and we have no one to stop the run then we should take #53. The overall rating is less important than how he fits our scheme or what our needs are.
  18. We don't call them that anymore, it's WFT. FYI
  19. I don't suppose your source has any idea about the price more or less do they?
  20. Can you name me the teams that you think are still in on going for Watson as of right now and what they would logically give up for him? I'm curious. I don't expect a bidding war anymore so if they trade him he's going to be cheaper than a lot of folks believe he'll be. I say 3 picks. 4 max and not all number 1s either. They should have traded him 2 weeks ago Jets out, Dolphins out, Bears out, 49ers out, Denver? WFT? Pats?
  21. Now that most teams have already got their QB for next season or spent all their money, I'd offer them this year's and next year's 1st plus my babies mamma and my babies mamma's mamma
  22. This is probably a he said, she said situation in which nothing can be proven so the victim in this case, the accused, cannot have justice because he cannot prove it's a lie but the damage is done regardless. Which is usually the point and why people get paid. If he did something wrong, involve the police. If not pee off because I don't take you at your word only.
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