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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. This says completely different from the PnP guy who simply took a snippet from Robby who was put on the spot and said "It's surprising...*mumble* *mumble*" Thanks for the article.
  2. You'll be banned by then. Looks and sounds like Sam's situation. He came in as a rookie with Bowles being the lame duck coach, then Gase came in and the rest is history.
  3. I thought the reason why Robby came to the Panthers was because of Matt Rhule.
  4. This is about as "fun/animated" as he'll get when it comes to the Media :
  5. That's what I mean, actually. I was not here for the Old Panthers regime. I'm sure they gave the Jets a run for their money in incompetence but we'll see how this current one goes.
  6. Come on now.....the Panthers can't be any worse than the Jets. It's IMPOSSIBLE.
  7. No. I never bothered with Avatars and all that until I used the hilarious Sam Darnold drawing. Yeah..that was definitely NOT me. I came here as a new Panthers fan and more than likely will remain one even if Sam doesn't pan out (I think he will, though).
  8. 3.2 yards a game....3.2 yards a carry.... I think you're right on both counts. lol.
  9. Hopefully when Sam turns the key, the engine starts but doesn't blow up in his face (ie O-Line failing).
  10. Yep. They certainly did.....with Sam Darnold playing no small role in both wins.
  11. Sam will also have a better team. I followed Sam over here so I thought I was being called out. wtf? I actually was a Jets poster. I'm guessing who Linville is referring to is someone else(maybe). When I saw that the Jets did Sam dirty, I decided to finally ditch them after so many years of hoping beyond hope they'd remove their heads out of their ass as an organization. I think Sam will excel on this team in every way so to the resident Negative-Nancy's here, please excuse me if I have optimism that THAT will happen.
  12. Well worrying about INJURY is much different than simply wanting out because of Sam and the Scenario he's in (that you described). Seeking an extension in that regard(Injury concerns) makes a hell of a lot more sense.
  13. "What happened to the culture of no clear starters" Plans can change on a dime, you know? Nothing is set in stone. And what Rhule said there is Coach-Speak for "We're looking for a QB as we don't believe we have one" which is basically him saying that PJ is not "the guy".
  14. EXACTLY. The Panthers will put up points. The key is for the Panthers "D" to prevent the Jets from putting up points.
  15. Holy poo. Did he just say Q-Anon? How is that not a Troll post?
  16. First off, I loved his well-thought-out argument and the stats he brought. There was never any complaint about it. Second, your post (the bolded part) with the whole holier-than-thou bullsh*t is why I have you on Ignore and I curse myself for deciding to view your post for some reason. That won't happen again.
  17. Speaking of which, Isn't Robby 28 years old? Some other here say he's 30 when he really isn't.
  18. If he wants to leave because of Sam, especially after all that talk about wanting to play for Coach Rhule, that would be pretty damn two-faced of him, don't you think?
  19. So he's gone? GREAT. The board is a better place. Now what about Trainwreck? He gone, too?
  20. Actually, that's not football. That's just dumb GM'ing. I mean...you take away the ONE player whom Sam has had ANY chemistry with? The ONE player who can help give him a target where he know his tendencies and all that? I do not believe Fitt is THAT stupid and I sure as hell do not believe Walter Football or whomever did that "report"(tweet). So what you're implying is that Robbie wants to leave the Panthers because of Sam Darnold? That's a bit of a stretch at this point.
  21. The thing is that on this team, he doesn't need to be GREAT. Just Good and I think he can be. Okay...let's say we drafted Fields. You really believe the so-called "Competition" is actually going to be a Competition? They TRADED for Sam Darnold. Therefore, he will START for them no matter what. That's one thing. The other thing is that the moment he has a bad throw or something, the Fields cheerleaders here(and some in the stadium) will start clamoring for Fields to replace him. That is why I'm glad they went with Horn instead 'cause having your young QB have to look over his shoulder is not going to help his development. Did you watch any of his High-lights? 'Cause that's what we're hoping for. Looking at Sam's low-lights on a crappy Jets team that will NEVER come close to playing like the Panthers is like purposely sticking a fork in your eye just because....reasons.
  22. I don't like the term that "kungfooldude" used there : "marginal" improvement. Marginal implies that he'll be just slightly better than he was last season which is an absolute JOKE of a Take.
  23. Also, the fact that he managed to finish out his last 2 seasons with More TDs than INTs still, is a testament to his talent. In fact, in his "best" season as a Jet, he had 2 games where he threw a bunch of INTs. Take away those two games and he'd have been 17 TDs and 6 (yes...SIX!) INTs.
  24. Come week 3, you'll long since have been banned and posting at the Denver Broncos board.
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