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About KatsAzz

  • Birthday 07/27/1960

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  1. I am not sure how Rookie tight end Ja'Tavion Sanders skill set will turn out but his attitude certainly is positive.
  2. This live show should be interesting.....
  3. I don't expect Bryce Young to set the N.F.L. on fire this season but any improvement would be welcome at this point in his career.
  4. Let them rank the Panthers low then when we move up in the standings they will all be surprised
  5. When I read the post title I thought that Tepper had finally did something right. Seems I was wrong!
  6. Luke Combs? Never heard of him!!!!.
  7. Frankie Luvu was a game changer and one of my favorite Panther players. He will sorely be missed.
  8. Robert Hunt is good but that is a lot of money to pay a guard.
  9. I wish the Panthers could have gotten more but they held on to him to long. Now the ball is in the Giants lap to see if they overpaid for him.
  10. Half tanking! Even if the Panthers give it all this year their talent pool will still make appear like they are half tanking.
  11. The Ravens made a wise, no brainer decision because Pro Bowl DT Justin Madubuike is one whale of a DT.
  12. To bad S.F. couldn't play the same way in the 2nd half. I felt sure the way S.F. was pounding the Chiefs DL in the 1st half it would have a positive effect and wear them down for the 2nd half but it didn't seem to work out that way.
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