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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Burns has already shown us that he's not signing here on a reasonable or fair contract and we're not about to contend. You have to trade him for the best offer we can get at this point, he's just not part of our future.
  2. So... only football team I care about right now is... And......
  3. There's probably more action on this site right now than there has been since the 2015 season. The only thing people love more than celebrating a good football team is complaining about a poo one
  4. As I've said a few times when people keep bringing up firing Reich and giving Evero the job.... We have an assistant HC, if Reich is fired at any point this season (which I still doubt would happen), then the coordinators stay in their jobs and Deuce takes over as HC, no point in having an Asst HC and then promoting a DC to Interim HC if you fire the HC.
  5. No, you need a GM who is smart enough to look at the bigger picture at times. A 2nd round pick isn't going to make up for the demoralizing nature of actually giving up on the #1 pick that quickly, who you traded away so much to get. I'm not advocating for Bryce's long term potential, I think he's utter garbage. But there is no player you can get in the 2nd round who will make up for what that will do to the locker room and fan support, it would destroy all of it to a level that's never been seen in NFL history before.
  6. In a vacuum I'm taking this in a second and laughing at the Patriots In the real world, you just can't do it, it would be so demoralizing to the team, city, fans, etc, that it would have wider ramifications that the 2nd round pick couldn't make up for.
  7. This is why you don’t trade away the farm for a WB who doesn’t have a single elite physical trait. Hell, you could make the argument that he doesn’t even have a single above average physical trait. This is as bad as it gets folks
  8. We can’t do that, if/when Bryce is terrible in 2024, we can start to consider taking a new QB in the first, but there won’t be any QB good enough on the 2nd round to make it worth our while to do that in the next draft. Start building up the franchise right and add solid young players with picks like that.
  9. So…. When the defense just decided to play soft zones, he was able to complete easy passes. Exactly what I’m looking for from the #1 pick of the draft
  10. Eh, screw it, just let Bryce suck so we get the #1 pick in 2025 and can replace him, he’s complete garbage
  11. Yea, you’re not allowed to bash Bryce for his size, sorry, dem da rules after you spent all summer talking about him like you did.
  12. They're not giving up a probably Top 5 pick for the right to pay Burns the money he wants, not when they would prefer to draft a new QB and dump Wilson after the season.
  13. Burns would never be in any deal to get Jeudy, as they're not giving up their first rounder with Jeudy to get Burns and we're not giving them Burns for Jeudy without that first. I'm afraid we'll make a stupid trade to get Jeudy, but I'm not afraid that we'll include Burns in it, even Fitterer isn't that dumb.
  14. Except Baker and Bryce kinda have opposite strengths and weaknesses Put Bryce's brain in Baker's body and you'd have a really good QB
  15. Yes, because he looks THAT bad out there. It's not like he's just making poor decisions or something that is easily fixed. It's clear as day to anyone that has watched him that he just isn't fast enough to pull the same pocket "magic" that he did in college, he isn't strong enough to escape finger tip tackle attempts, and his arm just isn't "NFL strong enough" either. Again, I was 100% sure he'd be a bust well before we made the trade, I never liked him as a prospect and he's been even worse in those areas of concern than I even imagined he would be. It's not a 3 game sample size, it's everything he showed in college not translating to the NFL game, like I figured would be the case. Still rooting for him because we're stuck with him, but I just don't see it with him and I'll always call it like I see it. I take no joy in bashing him, I really wish he'd just make me look like a fool and prove me wrong, but I'm not optimistic about that.
  16. He hasn't shown a single moment of elite potential while showcasing all of the pre-draft concerns at the same time. Sure, he might still turn it around and become something, but he's earned every bit of criticism with his play so far. I'm one of "that crowd" and I'll still support and root for him on Sundays, but I'm not going to lie about what I'm seeing out of him and what I think his potential ceiling may be. Just because we said we would "back our guy" doesn't mean we believed he wouldn't be a bust, we were just hoping he wouldn't be once we drafted him. Everything about him seemed so predictable before the draft, nothing in his tape showed any elite physical traits, how you trade away your future to take someone without that is still baffling to me.
  17. I think you just missed the point. The point was that we kept trying to fix the QB position by overpaying for average or worse players and it only kept making the position worse for us. My point is that going for Jeudy is the same thing, just a different position
  18. Chase went door to door on Burrow's street asking his neighbors if they would sell their house to him because he wanted to live close to him. They're best friends and I'm guessing will play together until one of them retires.
  19. lol, please tell me you're not bragging about a QB who can complete a string of screen passes and dump offs, as the majority of those 19 were balls thrown at the LOS.
  20. No, because we can get out from Bryce in 2-3 years anyways and pay him less overall than we'd have to pay Kyler in a single season. And a healthy Kyler will be good enough to keep us from drafting in the Top 5 to get a replacement QB, I think Bryce very well may pull a Clausen for us after year 2 or 3 and get us his replacement.
  21. 20th best QB in the league He's never going to be an elite QB in this league, he just doesn't have the physical traits to be so, but if he gets stronger he can still figure it out and be an average starter. Someone who doesn't stick with the team that drafts him but bounces around as an occasional starter, the Bridgewater type. But that's legit what I think his potential ceiling is, personally I think he's a bust, I felt that and said as much before the draft, but got on board when we took him and tried to get hyped about his "super brain" that we kept hearing about. But seeing him out there on an NFL field, it just looks like his game isn't going to translate to this level, his speed and strength worked in college, but it won't here and all my pre-draft concerns are showing clear as day.
  22. Again, why can't people learn from things like Two Gloves, Darnold, and Baker? Trading for players who already haven't worked out and expecting that we're going to be the team to fix them, isn't a winning strategy. If you do that and it doesn't work out, you then wasted the first 2 years of Bryce's development and all but guarantee his status as a bust of a pick. I'd rather overpay for Higgins than get Jeudy at a value, he's just not good.
  23. If we were to make a trade within the division, I'd much rather go after Godwin, think his game is a better fit for Bryce
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