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  1. I still don’t get why the 2014-2017 OL is so dissed. When 4 starters have gone to pro bowls or been selected to all pro teams, you’d think that they would get some credit. Our interior OL was as good as anyone’s. In 2015, we were ranked top 2 or 3 just behind the Cowboys. I know LT is a sticking point in here but I’d take the actual 2014-2017 OL over the “potential” of this OL every day of the week. I hope this one ends up being good but I feel like the 2014-2017 OL is completely ignore in here even though it was ranked really high. If it weren’t for all the damn 2016 injuries, that OL leads us to four straight playoff appearances.
  2. No kidding. Look at how many draft picks we gave away in shitty trades and didn’t get back when offered hauls. That’s we are where we are, this stupid feeling like we were somehow still competitive when the core of the 2013-2017 teams was gone. We never ripped off the bandaid and said it’s actually time to rebuild so let’s build the war chest of real young talent. Aiyuk would be another stupid move that would harm our future to go 5-12 this year.
  3. CMC is much more valuable IMHO. Have you noticed the deluge of college WR talent? Deebo was a mistake and he got hurt. Don’t forget that Deebo signed his extension before CMC was on the team. That said, if they cut Deebo, they can extend Aiyuk after this year/franchise him. I also think they could draft more WRs if they don’t want to pay Aiyuk crazy money. They drafted one and it wouldn’t be hard to draft another. With Kittle and CMC, you get open WRs.
  4. His first round status is meaningless now. He’s already shown that he is a 1st round bust. Now, it’s whether or not he can make the team and contribute. We've been doing this dumpster diving for years now hoping we find a gem and it hasn’t worked. Until we start drafting solid starters a guy like this isn’t moving the needle even if he makes the team.
  5. Hey, don’t misread my statement. I was pretty clear that I wanted all the coaches and Fitterer’s staff gone. I only was saying that Wilson leaving is meaningless and all the OMG stuff is silly. No real up and coming stars came to Carolina so losing Wilson isn’t keeping us from doing better. Our future rests on what Canales can do with the young guys and at QB (improve Young or prove he’s not the guy) and what Morgan’s drafting will be. Also, in the past few years as the director/VP of scouting for the Cardinals, what did Wilson do to make him an up and comer? Scouting Murray and Isiah Simmons? Tre McBride in the 2nd looks like their best value draft pick in Wilson’s unbelievably amazing 4 years at the head of scouting for that juggernaut drafting Cardinals team. Again, we like to puff up people to make Tepper and co look worse. No need to make Wilson look better than he was to make the last 6 years look worse.
  6. Lol, so true. Someone who was hired in February of 2023 is part of our legit worst season ever. When he leaves all of a sudden he was the voice of reason and Tepper’s firing him because he was the best exec we had. SMH. I’ve been as critical of this 6 year shitfest as anyone but I’m not looking at this as a mistake or harbinger of anything. We already didn’t have the #1 pick or the haul for Burns or Stroud so I don’t see how this means anything.
  7. lol. Stroud wasn’t mentioned a single time in any post, since I just read through this. This thread is about what’s next. Back to the thread on hand. While I see an extremely small chance Young is ever good enough to win in the playoffs, this is the year for him to show something. If the 2025 QBs don’t have any studs (so far seems meh), maybe we take a day 2 flyer or maybe we just ignore QB and go after BPA/strengths of the draft. I don’t care if Young gets year 3 or not if there’s no QB that we legitimately think can win us playoff games until the 2026 draft. We’ve dug ourselves a huge talent hole and we finally have a full allotment of picks in 2025/2026. If Young sucks, let him get us a top pick and maybe trade down for more 2026 picks if we don’t like the QBs. Do what the Bears did to us or Miami did to the Texans and magically have two high 2026 firsts. If Young sucks again, we could also go Zappe/Purdy type late round QB and hope you get magic in a bottle or at least have something different to watch in 2025 while we suck for Arch (lol, no idea if he’ll be good).
  8. As some did last year, people seem to forget injuries. The OL fell apart with a lot of injuries. We do not have any depth and injuries happen. 7 wins feels like a pipe dream where all the question marks get answered. With our talent level and not getting way luckier than average, I’d say 4-5 wins.
  9. Good point, but 5-82 and 1 TD were in the last 2 minutes of the 3rd through the 4th quarter. When your QB throws 58 passes and the D gives up 37, the WRs will have stats. Not trying to say Thielen was bad but that Thielen and Hubbard looked way better because they were the only competent offensive players.
  10. Theilin reminded me of Hubbard. People were talking about how well Hubbard played and he looked good because of how bad Sanders was. Like the tallest Midget. Theilin and Hubbard were serviceable because the rest of the players were bad and they got volume. Not saying that they weren’t giving it all they had, which is why they stood out, but they weren’t solid starters on most teams.
  11. It’s not really bad the second time. At first, all the screaming is disorienting because you don’t even know what language it is. Second time, you’ve bonded a bit and realize they are really a great group of guys.
  12. Wait, this is a time where it actually hurt us. The Giants thought they’d have to give us 2 2nds (many people predicted that). We caved for a 2nd and some late round crap because we needed Burns gone to do the two guard contracts. Our FAs have been fairly trash because we didn’t have tons of cap to make splashes. Amazingly, we had to get rid of Burns quickly due to cap space (been mentioned in the trade thread a few times) even as a 2-15 team.
  13. There’s no hate. It’s reminiscing over our glory days of legitimately whiffing on every move to have a playoff contender. We can’t get out of beating a dead horse until we have a team to feel good about. It’s as simple as that. The folks who always want to look through rose colored glasses can, no worries. The people who reminisce just want to see something, anything first. We know the past can’t change, but it does still suck to see other teams GMs discuss taking advantage of us. From Elway saying why they passed on Paradis to the Jets bamboozaling us out of 3 picks for Darnold when SF was already out of the deal. I’m sure we’ll hear the Rams GM pointing to the non-Burns trade as the reason why they were able to reload and get back to the playoffs.
  14. A competent franchise would have had a better GM/drafting. Brown is legitimately the only above average starter we have drafted from 2020-2023 that has played more than 1/3 of our games and we’ve had picks 7, 8, 6, 9 and 1 to start. Truly incredible but that’s why Ian Thomas is even discussed in 2024.
  15. Just like in the Brooks thread, I don’t care if Sanders starts off gangbusters but he damn well better be the starter by the end of the year. None of the offensive rookies has anything that should block their path to starting. If Tremble/Thomas/Hubbard/Sanders are good enough to keep their jobs, that rookie was a bad pick.
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