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Daniel Mullaly

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    Panthers obviously

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  1. Rock bottom I hope. Hard to imagine a season worse than this.
  2. He’s never going to be anything more than halfway decent at best. He’s a backup.
  3. Now is the time for Bryce to engineer one of his patented GW drives. You know. His first one ever.
  4. This team is trash, top to bottom. Can’t believe how far they’ve fallen.
  5. Bryce went from playing scared to playing scarred. He’s ruined.
  6. I called this one yesterday, though it didn’t take a crystal ball to see it coming. Especially with a livid owner like Tepper. Now he needs to swallow his pride and find a real HC. One who he can trust to make decisions and not be a dumb “yes man”. Doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict what’ll happen there either.
  7. Well, it happened. Now let’s see what goes down.
  8. This is how I see it going down. Tomorrow.
  9. Another masterful display of offensive ineptitude by the Panthers. The whole offense needs to be revamped: coaching, OL, WRs, backs and yes, QB. They’re all trash.
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