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Everything posted by strato

  1. It has Tepper’s scent all over it. I can’t see an NFL coach signing off on giving up his 1sr WR and that draft pickage doing all that and you pick Young.
  2. I hear that. No snaps. How can you tell? OTOH Young, off of his rookie season, was rated behind guys with no snaps.
  3. Only speaking physical aspects, CRA.
  4. Bryce is a lesser Wilson. In almost every physical aspect. Size, elusiveness, arm strength, all kind of take second to what Wilson had in those days. But Wilson and Seattle are the closest comp for me and I agree it’s jump ball time. Just roll that way. Bryce is slippery a little and I think he gets lost behind the big people and I have seen him get to the stick a couple of times. But he isn’t that fast and gets run down pretty often going lateral. As far as the run game, it can make things so easy if it is really good. If Penny is healthy he’s pretty good.
  5. I definitely felt that way about it. The field gets compressed, the coverage cheats with impunity, all that fun stuff. Which we saw. OL should be majorly better if healthy to start the year. Give LOT over there some help from a TE or RB if you have to. He was beat like a drum last year.
  6. Low AF = LAF = Me ROTFLMAO over the futility and incompetence of the Tepper sports organization, until I remember other people’s feelings. Oops.
  7. I get a lot of that but there is work that can be done and then judge it. Where did people rate it last year? Just sayin’, most did not say 2-15. I was worried about a couple of areas on the defense last year and then they got killed with injuries. I expected a lot worse. Which gives me some confidence in Evero (and Dom) being able to keep them together. edit: I mean keeping the performance floor up as a group, despite handicaps in whatever position groups.
  8. A Prius is okay on a lot of shorter passes but deeper it is like Bryce needs to hit a 7 iron and CJ a 9. Advantage: not Bryce. I know, mixed metaphors... That’s why minus an S2 test of course, I’d always take the true no doubt NFL thrower for the job of NFL QB. It is so simple sometimes, why do people talk themselves into this stuff? There was no question I had about Stroud and his arm ability. Very good (conservatively). Anyhow the force of gravity plays. Given two identical balls, gravity is grabbing the slower ball sooner and harder. It is probably a graduated thing, I went to music school not math school. It’s something we see and instinctively know but it takes a scholar to explain why it did that.
  9. I don’t know that they didn’t draft CJ because he could run the offense they wanted to run. And sure they are gonna do what they can to accommodate his tendencies and preferences. I don’t know what to say about why someone would take Bryce Young and not think they would need to make some pretty large concessions to his skill set. Canales better design his playbook around this QB, otherwise no one has a chance. I am really curious to see the approach and how the downfield game is integrated into Young’s book.
  10. We definitely have guys we can choose to be optimistic about. Brown is a big piece going forward.
  11. The leaving his hand velocity, is that what we are looking at? I mean it isn’t hitting the target at the velocity it leaves the hand. Which is what I see, is lots of wobbly at the end, just don’t drive it home with that authority. If y’all see something else, well we are all going to be treated to the truth in a few months. And I’m not denying he could win some games and move the offense, with everything set up for HIM. But I have so little faith in that plan long term.
  12. Still, I enjoyed its meager rewards compared to the reality of 2023, I promise you that. Better than Baker’s first two games that year too. And the year before and the year....
  13. That was the best football we have seen for literally, years.
  14. Yeah. And there is something in the effort put forth to achieve the numbers that the numbers don’t quantify. Such as does Bryce have to throw with all his effort to get what CJ or whoever can get being more under control at less than 100%? I have watched a few of his games the last month or so, if his ball is good enough to win ion the NFL it is at the win threshold border line. Eyeball between Bryce CJ and Richardson, you guys are acting like your eyes would lie to you.
  15. I think the long term is when this stuff pays off. You have to set it all up and get all the big dogs on the same page. So if you have the right guy set it up, assigning all the values, you are ahead of the game and he seems to be the top guy. Figures Tepper would be attracted to having the Top analytics guy. Okay with me I guess. If they get to the point where I am mad they didn’t kick or go for it, it means they are doing okay. Cause I haven’t thought that mattered much for several years.
  16. Velocity MPH. Okay, that’s a number in isolation. what if CJ has a nice 85% effort motion that does what he is looking for? And Young has to step into things to get even 2 mph behind him? I don’t KNOW that about either it is just an example of numbers don’t always tell all, but when I look at Young throw it reminds me of someone like Fran Tarkenton. A throwback non athletic weak armed scrambler for those of you who don’t remember. Had a great career in the old smaller slower but much meaner NFL. Would not today, IMO. I think the arm strength questions, are plenty fair. And the eyeball test, it does mean something. Who would take Bryce Young over CJ Stroud or Richardson based on his arm? It is obvious to the naked eye where they stack up.
  17. Refresh my memory please. Fitt said what?
  18. I understand what you’re saying but it is all fishy as hell, what about all that wait until the offseason to fix his mechanics or footwork or whatever? Who picks a player at that selection with that level of issues? To start the 1st year. I’m just not sure he thought that’s what he was getting until late in the game. And what you said about intentionally, I felt the same way. I didn’t know what to make of, the lack of urgency to the offense especially was a mystery. I thought they were protecting Young or over protecting him, I just didn’t get it. It is an historically confusing thing for me. Makes almost zero sense. What I say about Young and Reich is not coming from a place that I know the reason. I wish I did know. Most people can only guess what all that really was. There are a lot of angles when you get into the rifts between the staff, and how the design of the offense and the power dynamic of Brown fits into that. Was Reich forced into that? Did he resent it? Don’t know.
  19. Well, I think Reich would have been a lot better if he got to pick. I have no hard evidence just don’t feel he would have selected Bryce. He is still getting paid and probably wouldn’t say that anyway, publicly, out of courtesy to Bryce. It isn’t his fault. I keep thinking Reich was blind sided by Young, his limitations when he arrived, and hampered by this Brown component and here come the too many cooks. I expect better mostly because Canales seems fundamentally very sound and he has a lot of experience with Russell Wilson, who is probably my successful Bryce comp where I could see a path. And the WRs that enable deep rainbow jump ball QB. And Canales has no illusions about what he has to work with, from the interview, and won't have wait until May to figure it out. Should see a better offensive plan, and better OL execution. That’s a low bar though. What we won’t know is if Canales can put it all together in a way that works. Or somewhat works.
  20. Well a good sign is that Canales knows the difference between college and NFL talent level. Maybe he can teach the scouts to see it. In other news, he has to be a total offensive wizard to make a Bryce Young led offense to scare anyone. Hope he can be that.
  21. Won't say bust before he plays another game, but it was clear to me before the draft that wasn’t a number 1, or even close. I guess if they can get dominant players around him and design for his deficiencies he could be serviceable. But why do you want to do all that when you can get a prototypical performance out of a guy that is whatever size and shape? Do I cringe when I see him in the huddle? Yep, I admit it. Because I know what’s coming. But give me a real NFL arm and I’d feel a ton better about dealing with 5’10” 185. It’s always been his throwing/footwork/poor velocity for me.
  22. The guy should have never been picked where he was. Period. It isn’t his fault, I understand that. And he is a good kid, they say. If he had been a 4th round flyer I’d be rooting for him hard. But he would never just be handed the starting job, unchallenged. I want fair competition.
  23. He may be a good kid, he seems to be. If he can play, okay. I know what he’s sayin, know what I’m, sayin”? is about what I got out of it. I know that Cam and Olsen tore some mofos up on a regular basis. And they knew it was coming. If he can be that, all we need is someone to get him the ball.
  24. He only needs NFL open. With a sharp, competitive QB throwing to him, he can make rain. I wish we had that.
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