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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. If Rhule trades everything for a qb it will not help his situation. Fans might get off his back and think said qb will solve everything. But reality is it will not help. It will just leave us in a massive cap hole paying 2 qbs not on the roster and with bare cupboards. Said qb will demand a trade after one season. Prepare thy anus.
  2. I know this is a joke but I would almost wager that it will end up being pretty close to your suggestion.
  3. I wouldn't count on that playing much of a factor. It's all about the Benjamins.
  4. The only way any of those guys consider signing here is if they drastically overpay them.
  5. Just wait till you see what they give up for Jimmy G. or someone even worse. I suppose they could convince Watson to come here for 50M a season after they give the Texans 3 1sts and half of our core players. That should do it. What a splash that would be right?
  6. So he gets the Teddy B treatment, or should I say the Rhule treatment. They give up all those picks and sign his option before seeing him actually play in a Panther uniform. Now he is cast off like used condom. Can someone else pick the qbs please before Rhule digs the hole deeper.
  7. If he had to tell some to hire experienced coaches it should have been Fitts the minute he fired Rhule.
  8. Well look at it this way, if they go all in and mortgage the future on a bust qb they won't have anything left to do it again...so there's that.
  9. Tepper sells the team. That's about the only thing to get me excited. Other than that? Just don't care.
  10. Gilbride was a defensive analyst? What the hell is that? It didn't involve halftime adjustments obviously.
  11. Not much farther than they went with Teddy. It's still the same coaches, same game plan or lack thereof. Tom Brady himself couldn't fix this mess.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. My hope is that Fitt will start drafting a qb every year like he said he believed in. Of course the guy in charge doesn't seem to listen to his minions so there's that. FUBAR
  13. Best case scenario? 2 years. Worst case scenario? 3 years after Rhule is fired.
  14. Draft, this team sucks at FA signing. They are no where near talent laden enough to sign a few FA's. I never understood the fascination with going after high priced FA's while this team flounders around in the NFL cellar. That is not how you build a team.
  15. I considered them both to be possibilities to take a shot at one. I think one of those teams go hard for Aaron Rodgers. Both will probably sign a veteran as they are more attractive landing spots. All of them will be picked before the Panthers pick again so if they want one it's take him at 6. They also could do something stupid like trading future picks to jump back into the 1st somewhere to get their guy. That idea turns my stomach.
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