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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I wouldn't get attacked to this guy. As a matter of fact I wouldn't get attacked to anyone just yet.
  2. I could have predicted that we play the Bucs week 1.
  3. Why do you guys do this to yourself? Nevermind, don't answer that. How many ways are you going to come up with to prove Bryce was bad last year? As if anyone doesn't know that already. I think that fact has already been proven. I wish you all would find something else to lament about for a change. I'm afraid you will not make it to preseason at this rate.
  4. The Panthers had already turned down the 2 1sts for Burns prior to the Bears trade. Why would the Bears need 2 1sts plus Burns instead of 1 st plus Moore? That make the Burns fiasco even worse. Also the Bears could've drafted a wr or traded Burns for one. No I think the offer was their 1st for this years and a player or this year and next years 1st plus several 2nd round picks if no player involved. The players were one of the 3 you listed. Fitterer decided to give the only offensive skill player we had to draft a qb. What he thought said qb was going to do without someone to throw the ball to is beyond me. But he got to see Burns jerk him around all season so it worked out OK I guess. Fitterer is such a dumbass.
  5. Of they are wise in the draft that will become less of an issue.
  6. If you only change one player with last year's team the results would be the same. Tom Brady might get you a few more wins because he wouldn't have put up with the garbage Frank installed. Andy Dalton wasn't changing anything but his stats. He couldn't win the 1 game he played started. There's no way I believe the season ends any other way than it did.
  7. This^ My receivers coming out lack the coaching needed to play in the nfl. Very few schools run an nfl style offense. Most rookies will need a lot of coaching even more than before to learn a nfl system. It's the nature of the game in the last half decade or more. I've heard that mentioned by coaches on more than one occasion in past several years. That's why receivers coaches are more important than ever before.
  8. Fitterer got schooled by the Bears. Dan better have been paying attention while that was going down. It's a lesson in what NOT to do when building a team.
  9. I wasn't against it. But I tend to look at the big picture where most want instant gratification.
  10. Hell they could have drafted whoever fell to them and tried again this year. So many choices and they chose poorly.
  11. Going into the draft their biggest mistake was thinking they were a qb away. Their second biggest mistake was trading up. It went down hill from there. Turning down the Rams picks was a harbinger of things to come.
  12. Me thinks they will have to cut some people to make it happen.
  13. Still could've taken a qb at 6. To me picking inside the top 10 may indicate that you have a qb problem. Of course there could be other issues like terrible coach or lack of a complete team. But none of that would prevent me from taking a chance on one were it me making the decision.
  14. The running game is necessary in the playoffs. I thinknits important in every game but its almost mandatory to advance in the playoffs. If you cannot run the ball the edge rushers just tee off on your qb.
  15. You could be right. Tepper is the wildcard here.
  16. That's my theory. I would be surprised if they did it any other way. But you never know with Tepper. If he's truly letting Dan run things then who knows.
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