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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. BSSO is also showing. I'll stick with Tripp & Big Mike. In my experience, NHLN has no clue with the Canes. They don't pay attention and certainly don't know the roster. I
  2. Give a poo-ton of credit to Jalen Chatfield who jumped to the first line with Burns and, despite playing on his off side, has been nothing less than excellent in Slavin's absence.
  3. I haven't looked yet, but I have a feeling the Canes could rest Slavin again and may not put him on the ice until after the break.
  4. Can anyone see Erik Karlsson joining the blue line ranks of the Canes? Rumors are he's headed east, but remember, his emergence in San Jose is what led to Brent Burns becoming expendable. Brock Boesser will be the next Vancouver Canuck to leave town. Boston and Washington both appear to have interest. Patrick Kane is getting a lot of interest from the Rangers, and Chicago wants Kakko and/or Lafreniere. Tarasenko is still in play and it appears the Calgary Flames are leading the charge. He'd be a good fit with the Canes.
  5. I'm not there, as I've made my position clear. I'm not into mortgaging the future for a half-season rental to make a run this year. Although I know the Canes are but a piece or 2 away, I'm not sure I want a hired gun for a couple months, given what it'll cost, which in the case of Patrick Kane, may be close to what NYI gave up for Horvat.
  6. I like Beauviliers game in NY. Surprised NYI traded him, but Horvat is having a great season.
  7. Look what the Isles gave up.... wow.... But, the Isles just got a whole lot better.
  8. 4 of the 5-6 points I thought would be a good run up to the All-Star break. I have to believe the Canes will beat either the Kings or Sabres for 6 points and a win over both and finishing January with a 10-5 record and a 7-game win streak would be awesome.
  9. As clear as the muddy Mississippi RIver. Okay. Wrong. The ref announcing the "game clock and play clock will start on my signal" is the exact opposite of what the rule reads and does not match his post-game comments regarding the same play.
  10. In memory of the passing of David Crosby and Jeff Beck, I filled my weekend with all of these on vinyl:
  11. Playoff-style win. Was on the edge of my seat, pacing, yelling.....
  12. Staal just bitch-slapped Bergeron for the empty netter.
  13. 5 for 5 on the PK tonight. Boston just doesn't go away, but the Canes have worn them down.
  14. That's a penalty slashing Aho's stick out of his hands.
  15. Boston held to 15 shots. Defense and PK has been stellar thus far. Let's finish this strong.
  16. Svech should not have gone for pulling Rat off Aho.
  17. Jarvis to Stastny for a PP goal! Off the boards behind the net
  18. To be fair, he's not the backup. Zach breaks his leg Week 2, Garopalo gets hurt, Purdy comes up and Johnson gets the call. Johnson was the #4.
  19. Guess the board is rather unoccupied today. I'll just lurk rather than talk to myself.
  20. Rat Marchand is a pussy. Wll cheap shot and instigate but won't drop the gloves when he gets called out.
  21. I thought it wise to not pick this game with my season tix because I'd likely get into it with some bandwagon Boston idiot from High Point.
  22. Not even 5 minutes in Skjei get boarded and Staal tripped behind the net with no calls. Now we know how this going to be called. Just hope no Canes get hurt tonight.
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