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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. And with that, I'm off to Mexico for a few days...... hasta la vista!
  2. Dude, I'm sorry to hear about the marriage.

    Maybe I'm a little late to the game but I was divorced in NC back in the early 90's and, as far as I know, while a legal separation is always okay, a divorce will be granted with or without separation papers the minute a year has gone by since you lived under the same roof as her (in NC).

    I went and got a lawyer, first thing she asked me, "How long have you been apart, not living together?"

    "Little over a year," I reply.

    She then asks me if my estranged wife would agree or stipulate we've been separated for over a year. Of course, I said yes and my lawyer filed all the papers. Was all said and done within a couple weeks. Sign this, sign that, she does the same, filed at the county courthouse- done.

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