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Cpt slay a ho

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Everything posted by Cpt slay a ho

  1. Ok judge jury and executioner, and the millions to charity ? The turkey drives ? Yeah, speaking on someone’s character you never been in the same room with ever, you lose all credibility
  2. Doesn’t matter, he was attempting to deem someone he’s never met a horrible human being, I'm sure Smith refusing to sign an autograph elevates him to hitler status
  3. Yes please tell me how some random on the internet knows smith so intimately he was able to come to the conclusion he’s a trash human being, don’t forget to cite the numerous charity events and donations champ
  4. Yea because 2 football incidents defines someone’s life lol, go sit down somewhere with that
  5. I’m at the point I just want to pull a Seattle and just stock up on picks, every decent player that is available is either going to cost too much in draft compensation or a trade for them is more of a win/now move. we(Panthers) need to make up there mind on whether we are commit to a rebuild or are we just going to be frantic and make a move that’s going to set us back even further. bottom line if it’s not for a 3rd or later pick than it’s not worth it
  6. Here we go, I know you get your rocks off shitting on former players here
  7. First ballot, his late career persona and the nfl network job will help distract from smiths two fights with teammates. all that aside, his numbers warrant 1st ballot
  8. Yeah and we just tried trading teddy, our first pick for Stafford who is 32. I’m sure if that went through we would be in Super Bowl contention lol
  9. Idiotic, most football fans knew teddy wasn’t the answer or near it and we signed him to a almost hamstringing contract. now to even be in the running for a qb we have to trade assets ect ect after talking about rebuilding for a whole offseason
  10. Idk how remmers is still in the nfl, as a de you can get whatever you want against him
  11. Not a good look....we’ve failed miserable trying to emulate a no nonsense business model, just because it worked for the patriots doesn’t mean that’s our key to success. as of now, even though it’s premature, looks like Tom was the nucleus of the patriots
  12. Not only do we hate former panthers, let’s hate the current players siblings to.....y’all some bitter fugs lol
  13. Yeah for the sake of having hope in this Watson trade let’s hope he didn’t ask cam, it’s not like our media team didn’t double down on making an ass of themselves during his release. also looks like Watson doesn’t like being lied to let’s hope Rhule only does it for the media
  14. Some of y’all gonna let that hurney hate go with you to the grave, that can’t be good health wise. again good for hurney
  15. Well if WFT signed cam wouldn’t that indicate that hurney wasn’t behind the release of cam, therefore making his role in the teddy signing even more questionable ? I mean he wasn’t the future here and may not have wanted to take that backseat role if he knew he had another gm job lined up in Washington. Plenty of reason to move on from hurney besides performance
  16. Surprised no has mention the matchup most the huddle has been waiting for Dave Gettleman’s Giants vs Hurney’s WFT can final put to bed who’s the better gm a couple years from now.
  17. Good for Marty, could answer a lot of questions we had about last offseason if he’s hired, depending on the moves they make
  18. Why would he want to come here ? Looks like he’s looking for more than just on field talent in his next location
  19. Hopefully a good cb prospect is there at 30 or we pick up one later in the draft,still wont fill the Norman void, a vet cb this late into April won't be world beaters IMO but hall may suffice, Best case scenario is to somehow get Norman back with all parties on board. Not sold on bene in the slightest
  20. Hoping rb is not the pick, can't see Henry making a immediate impact out the gate, especially when our main problem has been teams stacking the box
  21. i can see a 10-6 or 9-7 season but also can see a 12-4 and 14-2 season, it'll will be tough to repeat but it all comes down to the draft, we find some playmakers in key positions and were set to be back in the playoffs and a shot at the superbowl. after looking at the schedule i wouldn't mind de,ss, and cb with 2 of the first 3 picks.
  22. Not getting the denver hate, especially not expecting a blowout but a confident win. there defense is good and will be one of the best we've faced, if we can run the ball and get 1v1 situations with there lb trevathan our offense will be able to move the ball. This game will come down to our defense vs there offense, which in denver's case we match up extremely well. DT while a good wr,isn't near as good as wr norman has faced all year, sanders is by far the best wr on the roster this year IMO and he needs to be watched at ALL times, who ever is covering him needs to have safety help, meanwhile we have a very favorable match-up with Luke vs Owens/Davis, and of course we have to shutdown there run. Sanders and there run game is the only two ways i can see denver moving the ball 24-10 Final Panthers Victory
  23. 2007 easily the biggest screw job by refs i could remember in a cowboys game, I hope we murder this team, here's to a repeat of this past Sunday's game Thursday
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