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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Rhule has made this team irrelevant and it’s fans apathetic The thought of him drafting in the top 10 again is nauseating on so, so many levels
  2. Wishful thinking he would pulled the plug irrelevance and apathy, however, aren’t the building blocks of a new stadium
  3. The situation is worse. JR said ‘the life had been sucked out of the franchise and the fans’ and fired Seifert Tepper will not do that
  4. Rhule said ‘we want Sam to know we believe in him’ who knew we had such a humanitarian as a coach…then again, easy to be free with compassion when someone else writes the checks. same reasoning for not drafting a QB ‘we don’t want Sam looking over his shoulder. He is the guy’.
  5. They have been a consistent winner for 10 years. They have a hall of fame coach
  6. They won’t let Darnold throw downfield ghe qb they are paying 18 million for next year, they won’t let throw downfield brilliant Rhule. Just brilliant play scared when nothing to lose. balless wonder, you are
  7. Did you all notice three wide receivers all within in 3 yards of each other unbelievable
  8. I’m curious. Are you a season ticket holder ? and if not, why not ?
  9. Don’t worry, there will be a DT or a cB at position 8
  10. Yep incompetent, sketchy, sneaky, fat, rat bastard substitute competent for incompetent and I could tolerate the rest
  11. Incompetent, Sketchy, little rat bastard. I hope he is obliterated today
  12. I have had lows and highs following this team, this is the lowest I am hoping the Saints slaughter the Panthers tomorrow and other than that Redskin game last year, I have never rooted against the players before I’m relegated to rooting for Taysom Hill and Cameron Jordan and that is a new level of sad if the slaughter happens as I expect, I’ll email several people in the Panthers organization as I do pay to see them and have for 21 years. I know others who are doing the same …that’s all I can do at this moment if Rhule is retained, I have to decide to buy season tickets and try to sell them all, most likely at a loss or turn them in. What I won’t do is go to the stadium while that sketchy, little, rat bastard is still the coach I am hoping that Tepper cuts his losses.
  13. Buyout his contract and or pay him that year and move on make the usual, better for Matt and better for the Panthers’ statements I mean this is a guy taking his offer to the giants for more money. If he is the hot commodity he thinks he is, well, he will have a job in no time
  14. Yep. He has tons of idiosyncrasies I just want a normal human being obsessed with football
  15. No personnel he doesn’t do x and os’ which is what the nfl is all about, schemes what do we keep him for….more DBO signs ? he needs to take his sketchy weasel ass away from the Panthers. Panthers needs someone who know what they are doing and it clearly isn’t him
  16. How is it a coach is given a 7 year contract, never having coached at this level before and the owner and GM not 1 ask for a documented, long term high level Plan 2. A short term (one to 3 year) detailed plan supporting number 1 including personnel particularly the QB and LT ? I am just at a total loss because if that was not done we truly have a stupid owner and if it was done and the plan was not followed, that’s grounds for contract breach or if it was approved to be executed as it has been, the owner is an idiot Tepper does not strike me as uninterested or unintelligent Too many irons in the fire and delegating perhaps.
  17. You are absolutely right I can’t stomach him I’m having a real hard time seeing any value, whatsoever, in keeping him From what I saw from my section (342) of PSL owners this year, the have all sold except for two, me and one other guy. I renewed mine because I thought sure that they would draft a qb and oline men. They didn’t it matters not what he does in two meaningless games I have to question Tepper as well. Did he not ask to see short term and long term plans from this guy and approve them before he signed him?
  18. Sweet baby Jesus….that is frightening…and is it male or female or we are better off not knowing
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