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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Mikes sanders same poo different game problem his whole career goid thing it wasnt in charlotte. They would hav booed his ass out of town
  2. It’s not like these brilliant hires work for free. If they get fired, their contract goes with them Tepper has deep pockets I’ll be quite honest, if after bye week, and the return of the savior, right guard, if they do not improve, Reich needs to be gone and let the young DC take over there is not one intelligent panthers season ticket holder who is going to pay for this bullshit without even a chance of being competitive Not one the ship of goodwill for Tepper products has left the Carolinas. he and his products are an embarrassment
  3. Dear god i have no words Do is all a favor. Sell or move
  4. Ok that terrible owner paid a lot of money to Rhule that terrible owner opened the checkbook and gave Reich everything and everybody he wanted coaches coach. Players play. General managers and scouting get the players if I’m Tepper and has paid billions and see all the fans walking away, I’m going to be at practice too. There is nothing like ‘management by walking around’ either these are the dumbest, unmotivated, unathletic players around or it’s a coaching problem and it needs to be fixed.
  5. Sorry. Jerudy has injury issues and attitude issues they would be damned better off to find bodies to shore up that wretched line watching Moore and CMC thrive, I’m really starting to despise this franchise and despise isn’t strong enough of a descriptor as far as I’m concerned, these issues are a self made set of soiled laundry and their happy asses should be made to sleep in it until season end Then Fitterer and everyone of his staff and scouting dept can get the fug out of Charlotte
  6. Jerudy has his petulant child moments ….and injuries sound like Fitterer’s kind of guy
  7. I heard Frank wanted AR Unfortunately, we will never know and rest assured, Reich will take the fall Tepper won’t Fitterer might but Frank will certainly because he didn’t ‘coach him up’ why Reich wants to put up with this poo at his age is beyond me
  8. Yes and no a L is a L. It’s the statistic that matters what it seems to me is hopelessness is pervasive and I’m not just talking about fans losing 30 to 29 sucks but not near as bad as no hope of a forward pass or rushing ability there is not one thing this offense can do right now successfully Not one something is terribly wrong and I’m no young fan but this isn’t all on young
  9. He is the check writer he wrote a lot of checks he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants if Reich does not give up play calling, he will be fired and that might not be a bad thing
  10. I totally understand I have one year left on my license. I mistakenly renewed for 4 more years when Ron left it is entertainment and a roll of the dice but if the panthers were a broadway show or a concert, they would have been shut down years ago I told my Panthers concierge that Tepper needed to learn the old Italian saying of ‘don’t poo where you eat’. Nfl translation. DONT LOSE AT HOME what bothers me is I see zero swag zero give a damn zero passion. Look at Icky he used to be the meanest bastard in college now, he’s just glad to be here He needs to man up zero Passion in the HC or the QB and below zero in the supporting cast where is Duce where is Brown If the product we pay for doesn’t give a damn, why should we spend money on them or our time
  11. I heard that said elsewhere a couple of days ago I also feel this offense has been made overly complicated for him. Some QBs. You give them 2 options. I feel like with young they are giving him far too much to think about. He is still a rookie. Add a Lack of running game and it’s just disaster KISS Reich buy he just can’t do it Steve smith echoed these same sentiments on wfnz yesterday I’ll add, how pathetic is it, they Reich is banking on a RG’s return to save his pathetic schemes
  12. Im starting to think that is the problem with most of these players on the roster
  13. These players too, are not without fault also Fitterer needs to be gone either rebuild or don’t but nothing half asses and half hearted is satisfactory in any business or life in general
  14. Been watching football in general, and the Nfl specifically for a very long time coaches tend to over complicate they tend to try and run ‘their system’ even if they do not yet have the players to run that system or if injuries have taken those players away IT IS SIMPLY impossible for them to think ‘tactical to strategic’ Wilks did, this guy can’t at this moment, if this head coach is going to stay with Bryce, he needs to 1. use KISS method. Run the ball no matter what it takes away from his system for now This line has hit to learn to work together abs gain confidence band nothing does that like running the ball 2. get rid of his empty set or one back backfield and if he throws, vertical 3. give the play calling to someone else 4. Find something this offensive line can do and run it over and over again And if he doesn’t want an empty stadium, go back to Dalton and let young sit until Reich and his all staff get his freaking offense fixed if I’m Tepper, if that doesn’t happen, Reich needs to be gone at the end of the year and elevate the DC as for the fans, I blame not one of them for not going to this poo show I’ve lived through plenty of poo shows with the Panthers and it really isn’t worth going to see a jv team suit up on pro football Sundays you can go see high school football and enjoy it more They are at least playing for the love of the game
  15. Think Bryce would’ve thrown for that 360 ? bad defense or not
  16. Amen friend same i guess on the bright side Tepper could pay off Reich and elevate the DC. His side if the ball can play
  17. So leave don’t frequent the site this site wouldn’t exist without Zod
  18. Truth as the song goes ‘my give a damn is broken ‘
  19. The bottom line is the Panthers have not one player that is exciting to watch …not one…that is a superstar they have zero, nada, nothing irrespective of that, the prices don’t go down… they go up each year if their future is Bryce Young…well…I don’t know what to say…when a franchise is asking people to cough up hard earned money, throwing a ball 10 yards into the dirt or into the stands ala Clausen just ain’t going to do it. perhaps he will show something tangible. …and yes I know all the excuses why he hasn’t…and I don’t care. He is the QB. Nothing will happen if he doesn’t make it happen. pro football is big personalities doing heroic things….right now, the Panthers…are none of that
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