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Everything posted by Hoenheim

  1. The boards not going to melt down if we lose lol. The last 3 losses have people depressed as opposed to passionately angry. If we lose its just more of the same and exactly what most would expect to happen
  2. We could win but after the last 3 weeks I'm damn sure not expecting a win
  3. If we finish with less than 5 wins rhule should be canned immediately at season end
  4. And yall dummies crucified me for bringing up cam the other week
  5. I'm a hard-core fan and even I'm questioning whether I want to keep watching this team . Wow
  6. I'm turning this game off if the panthers don't score this drive
  7. Watching this team on Sundays is ruining my weekend
  8. 3rd and long and throw if behind the LOS. Are you shitting me Joe Brady???
  9. If anyone's wondering why the fan presence is so bad.. this is why. Nobody wants to watch s.h.i.t. football every Sunday
  10. I think I can find something better to do on Sundays than watch this clownshow
  11. Maybe that's what happens when you have 3 losing seasons in a row
  12. Defense picked a terrible time to poo the bed. Maybe Rhule was right
  13. Can't say I expected that.. if the offense can't do poo win the game on D and special teams
  14. Something is definitely wrong with the offense. Taking the entire clock to hike every snap, everyone has horrible body language, no urgency. HAS to be coaching . Has to.
  15. Watching this team's incredible ineptitude every Sunday makes me almost Start disliking football itself . Just sick of the bull poo. I've been seeing poo teams with much better offensive production
  16. Chubba always trips when he gets to the 2nd level
  17. Put someone in that can actually catch the football
  18. I'm going to be extremely pissed if they go 3 and out here. The offensive ineptitude is otherworldly
  19. Imagine if the offense was 1/4 as competent as the defense
  20. If we drafted a qb they'd be behind a horrible o line again we have no 2nd or 3rd round picks
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