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Everything posted by TheMostInterestingMan

  1. That’s very true. And it’s a valid point. I do think those BOLDLY making the absurd claims and refusing to waiver will start getting tagged in the ThisWeekILearned posts. Maybe not tagged but at least name dropped with a quote or two attached lol. The idea isn’t to act demeaning towards them or call them stupid. I’ve had some TERRIBLE opinions regarding this team. I did not like the Cam or Luke picks. Obviously those opinions didn’t age well, but the differences are that I own it and I never lambasted the team for making those picks which is something that happens here constantly. The idea (which is probably unrealistic but worth a shot and is good for a laugh anyway) is that maybe it slows down the nonsense troll posts. It probably won’t. Especially as easy as it is to make alt accounts. But it’s worth a shot. And I think it will at least give everyone a good laugh so what is the harm, right?
  2. Mostly because it lingers. As @kungfoodudesaid, people were still talking about this nonsense as recently as a few days ago. Ive started (only two weeks in) doing a sarcastic “This week I learned on the huddle” series of posts to point out the dumbest huddle theories in an effort to combat the constant poo posting. Mods aren’t going to clean it up and I definitely understand and respect that decision. But that means we have to combat it. Thus people saying “Darnold is being coddled and PJ Walker should be the starter” before PJ goes out and completes 1/8 passes for 8 yards get called out. And as I said to @kungfoodude I respect that people have opinions but I’ve grown really tired of the constant negativity that has absolutely NOTHING supporting it. So if I can make that poo seem stupid (such as when Robby says he loves this team and it’s a dream to be here despite posters saying he’s demanding a trade to not play with Sam) I’m going to call it out.
  3. I think you are missing what I was saying. I was poking fun at their overreaction. Not saying I actually believed them. It was sarcasm. I’ve been calling their theories stupid for months now regarding this lol
  4. I really do not understand the logic of this place. Why would that effect Darnold? Darnold knows the speed of the NFL. He’s been playing in this league for three years. That won’t be new to him. He needs reps to knock some rust off but it isn’t like we are throwing a rookie into his first NFL game week one with barely any preseason snaps. Like him or not (and there are fair reasons not to) he’s an experienced QB in the league. Experienced doesn’t mean good. But I’m really not worried about this situation and I’m really not worried if the Steelers play their 2s against him.
  5. Agreed. And it all stemmed from him not showing up to optional workouts before camp. Dudes a vet. There were pictures of him golfing. He was obviously like “hmm. I think I’ll just stay on vacation for a little bit longer” but somehow that turned into him demanding a trade behind closed doors. But hey, maybe we are wrong and he knows something you and I don’t. Maybe the coaching staff have already told him not to worry about Darnold because PJ will be our starter so Robby decided to stay... /s
  6. Visit again after week 1. I don’t know if Darnold is the long term answer or not but I damn sure know we should beat the brains out of the Jets. Of course, if we fail to do that it’s going to be a Liverpool-centric sports season for me this year lol
  7. Yes. Can’t edit. That has already been brought to my attention but it’s too late to change it lol
  8. It’s just crazy where people generate these ideas from. Which is why I’ve been going back and forth with one poster in particular saying “yes, you are entitled to your opinion. But when your opinion is ‘oh Robby wants out based on nothing? Oh bet it’s true. I bet it’s cause he hates Darnold” I just can’t help but call out the nonsense.
  9. I’ll have to dig way back (huddle vets, not panther vets. My bad). And it wasn’t necessarily said outright, but it’s when the reports were Robby wanted out. It was shortly after the trade for Darnold. There were a few “it looks like Robby wants out of Carolina. I bet I know why.” and “Robby has already had to play with Darnold. I don’t blame he for wanting to go somewhere else” comments being littered at that time.
  10. I mean, some of the vets told he didn’t want to be here cause he didn’t want to play with Darnold. I’m not sure who I should believe.
  11. He’s got an extra game now. If he stays healthy all year, he honestly has a decent chance along with Cook. They would still have to be healthy and playing great, but that extra game will likely lead to a couple of records being broken across the league this year.
  12. Can host it on FanDuel if we did a best ball format. Have to deposit to draft and then they pay out to the winners at the end of the season
  13. I would play if the interest levels are there. I play in like 20-25 leagues every year but Covid has dwindled that down substantially. I’m only in like 8 this year so I would definitely be up for another
  14. Well the combination of that and Gase is a better argument, but that is alarming. But also speculative. We just don’t know. We will soon thankfully.
  15. ‘And so it is written. The Jets hath turned their back on the lord and shall face forty years punishment. Their players ankles will carry twice the weight. Their knees bend in every direction. Their Achilles snap twice as often. Only the most devout supporters will endure’
  16. This has to be the biggest argument for why he possibly can turn his career around. And what Rhule means by “he’s basically a rookie” imo. There’s so much he’s missed out on in development. He’s not had a QB coach. That doesn’t mean he needs to catch up to NFL speed.
  17. Sure. So did Jimmy G. So did Rex Grossmam. Nick Foles won a super bowl against Tom Brady. Goff isn’t a bad QB. I don’t think anyone is saying he’s better than league average though. Rams basically gave up a 1st and Goff to have a shot at a super bowl because they don’t believe they can win one with Goff.
  18. As I stated in that comp list. There really aren’t many situations akin to Darnold. There’s only 32 QBs in the league, it’s not like making collegiate comparisons. Still, while Goff has had some good seasons, he’s also struggled and is a young QB who the Rams decided to move on from whilst giving up a high draft pick (wasn’t it a 1st?) for a significantly older vet. Goff is now in a new system and not many have a lot of confidence in him. Honestly Goff to me is the most similar comparison although he’s clearly had a more successful career than Darnold so far. And Burrow was hoping to play this weekend. I understand why he didn’t play because as you said, he’s an injury concern. But he’s still practicing and is probably able to get out there. Look, I’m not saying Darnold is the answer. I have never said that, yet it seems that I’m being lumped into this ‘blind homer’ camp simply for defending him. Here is what I have said from the beginning and am still hopeful for. I think trading a 2nd for Darnold made more sense than trading tons of draft capital for an unproven rookie or a Deshaun Watson who probably isn’t playing this year. Some wanted us to trade multiple 1sts to the Jets to go get Wilson. I think trading a 2nd for Darnold is a much smarter move. Does that mean I think Darnold is a franchise QB? I don’t know. I think his ceiling is a top 12 QB in this league based on his talent. But I’m not sure the mental side of the game will get there. I don’t ever see him being elite. But I could see him being a starter if he can take a few steps forward. If he doesn’t work out, we are out a 2nd. Not multiple 1sts. That’s a better place to be. But I’m hopeful, as all fans should be, that Brady can work wonders with him. So I’m going to give him a chance before bashing him 24/7 on this board, exclaiming he’s a lost cause after he’s thrown two passes in preseason and I’m also not going to formulate wild theories suggesting Rhule is coddling him when we have never seen Rhule in a preseason before now and have no reason to believe that’s the case. For all we know, Rhule would be sitting any QB in the league during preseason because he feels he can prepare his QB in joint practices without risking injury. We simply don’t know. So yeah, I can’t get on board with bashing the coaching staff or Darnold based on nothing. I know some people get their Panther rocks off by talking poo about Darnold weekly. And they may well be right. He might flat out suck. But the Jets have a terrible track record of developing young talent, QBs especially. So does Gase. So imo the jury is still out on Darnold and I’m going to give him a shot to prove the doubters wrong before criticizing him constantly. BTW. Hardly any of the starters are getting playtime in the preseason. Is Rhule coddling the entire 1st team? Or could it just be his philosophy that he refers not risk them during preseason games? Probably coddling, right?
  19. Well there aren't a lot of comparable young QBs in this situation, but sure. Jared Goff. On a new team and has struggled. Did not play this week. Daniel Jones. Did not play this week. Did not play in either preseason game. Derek Carr. Did not play this week. In fact has not played at all in first two preseason games. Baker Mayfield. Has not taken a snap this preseason. Joe Burrow. Yes he is returning from injury but is practicing and has not played this preseason. Maybe some coaches just feel like risking their starting QB isn't worth it in preseason and they can get valuable reps in practice. Maybe Darnold gets enough reps from joint practices and some snaps in preseason week 3 and the coaches are just good with that. Or maybe coddling QBs like Darnold, Goff, Jones, Carr etc is just the cool thing to do now. Who knows?
  20. Yeah. He’s not actually a rookie. He’s played in the NFL for three years. That doesn’t mean they plan on evaluating him the same as Teddy. That doesn’t mean they won’t work with him in practice like a rookie that’s never had a QB coach. That doesn’t mean they might simplify the playbook a bit more as they bring him along. But he’s started a lot of NFL games. Maybe you are taking the statement a bit too literally? Do you think CMC and DJ are treating him like a rookie in camp or like a vet? Do you think when Rhule said he was like a rookie he meant Darnold has very little NFL experience or do you think he meant ww would work with him like we would a rookie QB come training camp? Obviously Rhule knows Darnold doesn’t have to adjust to the speed of the game in the NFL. He’s been a starter for three years. So obviously when he says “he’s like a rookie” he means the approach to development in camp. I just don’t understand the absolute disgust for him. I swear, despite what some say on here, there is a section of this fanbase hoping he fails. Should point out I’m not saying you are one such person. But there is definitely a group here that is in this camp. And it’s beyond me.
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