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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. That doesn't reflect the draft so much as reflect that at most positions we have starters penciled in. I hope that Corral doesn't have to start day 1. Better for his development.
  2. It isn't who is the better talent so much as who fits the system you are running. McAdoo liked Corral better. GMs find players who fit what the coaches want.
  3. Fitterer said it all along. There were 2 folks he liked and it was seeing what it would cost to get that person. Willis went before he could make a deal that would have kept our next year 1st or 2nd. He said he kept from making a deal because he was relying on his board of what other teams were going to do and hoping that no one was going to pick Corral until he could use his 3rd instead of his 1st or 2nd. When New England agreed we made the deal I suspect worrying about who might snatch him from us.
  4. Agree that this draft so far is a dream scenario. No one knows if Corral is the answer but the key is not jeopardizing the team's future if you are wrong. Of course we hope he is awesome and our future but the real smart think is getting great value at a very reasonable cost. There is no reason we can't swing for the fences again next year if we suck this year. Then we could have our starter and backup both on rookie contracts. But like usual I am letting my natural optimism start to run. I really think that barring strings of injuries we will be a contender and a tough out this year. So it might take some real draft juice to move up next year if those guys are really as good as the hype. Wouldn't want to get into the whole 3 1sts to move us a half dozen spots. Not when we got Corral for essentially a high third when you factor in our low 4th and our third next year which isn't worth as much as a third in this draft because it is a future pick.
  5. Have to agree. We picked up two missing pieces and got potentially the best LT and QB in the draft. Added to our coaching upgrades and free acquisitions we may have begun to turn the corner.
  6. Depends on injuries but he needs to learn a lot and needs to get stronger before he will avoid getting hurt himself. Look at the qbs who were supposedly better last year and how they did. Corral won't be ready this year and we need to get our 18 million out of Darnold who will be improved.
  7. Apparently we tried to get back in the draft sometime in the second but thought the price was too high. As the QBs fell we kept monitoring it and looking for trade partners. Finally the cost was reasonable so we found our partner and made the pick. Instead of panic buying it was just the opposite. We kept monitoring and trying to balance cost of moving up versus not jeopardizing next year by giving up a 1 or 2. Fitterer had few picks but obviously maximized his haul. Anyone who thinks we did anything besides a great job doesn't have a clue about drafting.
  8. Give corral a few years to develop his NFL body and he might be able to handle the abuse of running an RPO. Right now he would get snapped like a twig.
  9. Really looking forward to seeing our offense this year. Injuries really have derailed us the past 2 years along with suspect coaching. It seems clear we will be much better coached on offense and special teams. And that does make a huge difference. I am hoping the injury gods are favorable to us this year. If so we should be a hard out this year. It has been so long since we had a good line and competent OC I think most on here have forgotten the difference it has made.
  10. This is a great value pick. Many pundits saw Corral as the best QB in the draft. And we got him for a third rounder next year and our low 4th this year. And he is on a rookie contract for peanuts for 4 years. This draft has exceeded all expectations so far.
  11. At this point in the draft he is great value. Some pundits had him as the best QB in the draft and here we are in the third stealing him. And he is on a rookie deal for 4 years. Hopefully as a redshirt he can start right away practicing and learning the offense if he is finished with classes.
  12. I hope that Corral gets his NFL body so he can take the abuse in the NFL. He is very athletic and moves well. He says his understanding of Xs and Os and protections are his strength. That would be nice for a change.
  13. We clearly like his dual threat capacity. Maybe we envision him as our Lamar Jackson light.. Very athletic
  14. Actually if you have pre and post snap reads and you are going through progressions you don't stop thinking after the snap and it isn't just react. So you are right that when he is pressured his ability to think may be compromised but the solution is build in plays, automatic reads and rehearsal while under pressure so he can read and react. And no you don't have it or not and managing a trauma response is very coachable just like managing anger or other emotions. One issue is that if you practice all the time and the qB is protected does he ever practice under pressure before the actual game? The answer is actually not much. Hence the need for more innovation like virtual reality.
  15. When he perceives pressure like others he has a flight or fight reaction which dumps cortisol and adrenalin while subsequently shutting down his higher thinking processes. That is why most folks in this state struggle to make rational thoughts and reactions like running from the police over a traffic violation. You have to reduce the trauma response physiologically while also simplifying the thought process involved by giving him easy reads and rehearsal so he doesn't have to overthink his response. With improved technology and virtual reality you should be able to practice biofeedback and activating the parasympathetic system while simulating football actions on the field.
  16. Yep. Compared to many problems dealt with in therapy, a case of seeing ghosts is not that tough. The problem is most athletes don't get the help they need. Tepper went partway there bringing in a therapist for the team but most players even like our own Steve Smith got help only after he hurt his own teammate. This type of issue pales against the trauma many folks bring to the table. The fact many folks get David Carred is because they try to fix it on their own or hope it goes away.
  17. I don't know if Darnold will be good enough to take us anywhere this year but the team will be much improved and Darnold will benefit immensely if he starts. Much of his issues last year was rushing his footwork to get the ball out before he got clobbered. The old clean pocket stat is skewed by how many times Darnold actually had a clean pocket compared to how often he was pressured. If you get pressured more than not you feel pressure when it isn't there or try to press and make a play that isn't there because this was your best chance with no pressure. His issues are mental not physical and yes they can be fixed. I do it all the time. For those wanting a top 5 finish, it isn't going to happen. We will be better than that. And I am not going to argue back in forth in May about something that we won't know about before the fall. Who knows if Sam will even be the starter. But feel free to pin it so you can refer to it if we suck badly. I really think that we will be much better no.matter who is at QB this year. We actually have NFL coaches now.
  18. This looks like a Fitterer pick. Completes the line rebuild. We may have gone from the worst to a top 10 line this year. They brought in Foreman to tote the rock and McAdoo thinks he has a system that Darnold can thrive in. Perfect setup for whoever is the QB. No more excuses.
  19. With our line now I expect us to tote the rock with Foreman and put CMC in the slot or out of the backfield. Bring in Hubbard for change of pace. Mix in quick hitting passes and you have an offense which makes anyone look good, even Darnold. Then play action really works and if you can protect on longer routes you can keep defenses guessing.
  20. Just what I wanted. But honestly I never thought he would still be on the board. We couldn't trade down and pass him up. We have our Gross 2.0 for the next decade
  21. Some of those glaring holes were filled in free agency. At this point with a stud left tackle and competent play at QB with a much better offensive gameplan, we coulda been a contender. Adrian............
  22. There have been some nice upgrades in preparation for Charlotte FC. I wonder whether you could put a retractable roof on the current stadium for much less than a new stadium.
  23. Ar least you are consistent here and elsewhere.
  24. If I were picking a QB it would be Pickett as well. He is ready to go and has all the ingredients necessary to be successful. Then again I told you that Jones would have the best season of any rookie and I was right as usual.
  25. What QB has Moore had worth his salt? Smitty had Jake for much of his early career and they had unbelievable chemistry. Then he had Cam and went to Baltimore. Part of the greatest of Moore is producing 1000 yard season with crappy QBs. And Moore is better than good. He is only receiver in the NFL to have 1200 yards in each of his last 3 seasons. The only one. That is more than good, that is elite.
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