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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. 21 years old. i won a panthers football in 1st grade for being good Watched the panthers in the superbowl a year later, made the conection between the logo on the ball abd the team playing. Panthers fan ever since. I cant help that im young, but ill be a panthers fan for life. You old guys arent gunna be around forever. Hand the baton off
  2. An opportunity for Gorapalo to shine? I have a feeling if Jimmy can play well, it could make it easy for NE to boot the old man.. Kinda ironic I know i spelled that name wrong
  3. im drunk 1 nite later.. it6 dont matter.. im fug up and STTIILL beatin mother fo's ass is madden.. ALLL NIGHHTT GOOO PANNTHGERRRSSSSS CANT WAIT TILL I HAVE PAYNE N FUNCHESSSSS
  4. Hes not even a traditional FB. Hes not good at blocking. Thats what we need before any running and catching stuff. Thats extra. Tolbert is good as a RB but FB needs to block. Its like icing on a carboard box, calking it a cake
  5. Hey man, think you got a little something on your nose.. Lol jk
  6. I believe at one point they did. But russell left Cams agent.. Like he did his wife
  7. How did you know we didnt go after him?
  8. Im not mad that colins didnt chose us.. Im pissed he picked the fugin big, blue, puckered buttholes. fug dallas
  9. Where the fug is he gunna even start?
  10. fug the cowboys. The come away with mind blowingly value from this draft and post draft. And my couzin dallas fan is like, so? fug him. Retard dont even know what he got. Said he would rather have have had Peat
  11. Im not. Ealy is a first round talent. He will come into his own. Who had a better season as a rookie DE than Kony?
  12. whatever it takes man if he doesnt sign here the money could go to charity
  13. if he doesnt come here, the money will go to charity
  14. I figured, Hell man, what would show we as fans want him to come here more than giving him a little tip ourselves someone go start one ill put in $20
  15. Someone start a "fund me" account or whatever that is. Should get some attention
  16. Someone start a "fund me" account or whatever that is. Should get some attention
  17. they are cheaters anf good at it. They probably cheat all the time and go un noticed..
  18. How do you know teams arent calling this guy? His phone could be blowing up. If you had 32 choices are you gunna rush it? No
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