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About L-TownCat

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  1. IF that were to happen I would expect that to mean the Moton contract situation is not good and most likely we’d see him moved.
  2. Scouting and all around talent evaluation has been bad for a long time. Hurney (*swallows vomit) kept us afloat with home runs in the 1st round. We don’t even have that anymore.
  3. Yikes… hate to see my guys beefin, hope they can work it out.
  4. Nah…. This is … awesome…. Zzzzz
  5. What was that movie that turned that kid from “Waiting” into a walrus?
  6. old man Beason is thoroughly entertained watching his 14th superb owl.
  7. I could go into TC with that haul and not lose any sleep.
  8. That’ll just about do it. I’m out til FA/Draft.
  9. Now they’re calling penalties on Buffalo from the booth?! lol gtfoh
  10. Why does the NFL think this is a good thing? Why are they so hung up on dynasties? It’s boring.
  11. Really like this kid. Want to see him continue to develops and get better. He could be a safety blanket for Bryce.
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