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Everything posted by philit99

  1. You know Oline is Matt Rhules bread and butter. You act like the man doesn’t know what he is doing! lol
  2. That tends to happen when the other team knows you are passing the ball.
  3. This is obviously not a NFL staff. Even if you are down, you have to run to keep the other defense honest. There was absolutely no reason to go for it on that 4th down. This team has less hope than the 2010 squad. It will take about 5 years to recoup from this trash, and that is if we start over now. Jesus we are in trouble.
  4. This is got damn embarrassing. Pick a qb and stick with it. Jesus this coach is trash.
  5. I’ll take “QB’s not currently on our Roster” for $1000, Alex. answer: The Daily Double
  6. I venture to say Dennis Allen had a hand in this victory. I think it is about time to give Dennis another shot at a head coach job (Outside of the Raiders). Oh wait, they are looking too.
  7. The worst part, I mean the absolute worst part of all of this is………..What position did Matt Rhule coach with the NY Giants? This was at a NFL level position coach, so what position was it? You guessed it, Assistant Offensive line coach. You mean to tell me he could not see that this line would be one of the worst in the NFL. Wow. Check please.
  8. He has Aaron Rodgers. It is hard to know how good he is in situational football when 12 is making the calls. I’m not saying he wouldn’t make a great HC, but we do not have a Rodgers. His other OC stops were ok, but nothing exciting. On the plus side, he could go dancing with the Top Cats after a score, that would be entertaining.
  9. I usually look forward to some up and coming coordinator that can turn things around. There are no current coordinators that excite me, none. We need NFL HC experience. I’m with you, I’m not a fan of retreads, due to tape. However, Harbaugh is top of my list, then Pederson or Kubiak. I think if we hire anyone else, we are looking at 3-4 years before that coordinator gets enough experience to be a HC. Rhule, obviously could not learn on the job. Hell I would even be excited about Wade Phillips before any current coordinator.
  10. Is it irony that there are 420 replies? Well it was 420 now it’s 456. Oh well. Meyer still loves his bong.
  11. Not to be "That Guy", but being that guy, he will have a chance with an additional game. He would have played 17 not 16. I guess we should check averages then compare.
  12. So much truth in this statement. We can’t set the edge, our linebackers are much worse than most think. If Reddick is going to play outside LB, then we need to run 3/4. We have a decent defense against deep passing but suck short and over the middle. We need another linebacker, Carter is not cutting it.
  13. I didn’t criticize you personally, I was excited about the pick. I didn’t care about a rushing the passer DT. We need a run stopper, the results are in, he ain’t it. I’ll eat my crow now, and may I have seconds please.
  14. It is so nice to be excited about a Carolina team, and so difficult to think about our football team. Go Canes, and Hornets!
  15. Amen!!! I’m not even sure I want a damn OC or DC, like everyone else is drooling over. We need a proven Head Coach with experience. Keep tabs on Pete Carroll, watch out for Mike Tomlin, bring back Harbaugh, we have options.
  16. Yes Brutal, horrible memories, yet accurate. What a season, I’m starting to feel like Randy Quad in Major League.
  17. It’s John Wayne Toilet Paper. It’s rough and tuff and don’t take no $hit off anybody. Your welcome.
  18. Oh some of us got it, a whole Bunch of us did.
  19. I can see it now, Panthers bring back Ron Cherry so we can see this again.
  20. Ok I was going to poo post you, but the last sentence is comedy magic! lol . I’m still laughing.
  21. If Rhule has lost the locker room, forget it. He is done, here and any other NFL head coach gig. As long as he still has the players ears, he has time. Watch players stances, body language, and demeanor in the next two weeks. If he loses the players, he is done.
  22. A certain owner, and GM said no. Apparently, it was so bad no other NFL franchise took a chance. However, if you want to win, pay the man.
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