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Everything posted by philit99

  1. I'm not on Twitter, I'm like you fighting in line to find supplies to live. Grocery stores are out of supplies. I buy what I can when I can, but I am finding it almost impossible to locate toilet paper, hamburger, or meats of any kind. This is not about politics, it is about leadership. The guy running the country couldn't run to the bathroom if he had diarrhea. I am making it political because people believe this idiot in office and they can not see him for what he is, a fake.
  2. This is absolutely the truth! It is terrible that a party is so disliked and powerless and unable to beat a reality television star with a third grade education.
  3. Just the opposite, I've studied more than I care to admit. I don't care what your political affiliations are, people are dying, cast the blame where you want to. Keep wearing your colored shades.
  4. Not hysterical talk, just tired of seeing people, including you, dismiss this unprecedented subject as just an unfortunate set of circumstances. Wake up dude and take your f**king colored shades off, our leaders are responsible for this travesty. Tell me, will your beloved stimulus check, cover the funeral expenses for loved ones that passed away. It is always convenient to find someone else to blame. Trump will own this, history books will make sure of it.
  5. To all my Republican friends, please, please find a political candidate that has passed the third grade. It is painful to watch the Trump administration throw sh!t at the American people to see what sticks. I hate talking politics but reading our fan base backing this idiot is disturbing. I don’t care what side of the isle you live on, if you can’t see that this President is an idiot and a buffoon, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska I can sell you. Trump will forever be the worst president in American history. I completely blame this administration for what is happening with us today. He could have prevented the entire fiasco. American people have died and will continue to die, to protect Trumps pride and inability to lead. Moving forward, we must be smart and choose a leader that can lead this country, not destroy it. Flame away.
  6. Death is afraid of Chuck Norris.
  7. Chuck Norris got Covid-19 and it died on a ventilator.
  8. Regardless how you feel about CNN, Chris Cuomo has been diagnosed with Covid-19. This disease is unbelievable, we have not faced a problem like this since, the early 1900’s. I think we will be fighting this for the next 4 months, then battle it again in the fall.
  9. Gov Roy Cooper has ordered all North Carolinians to stay at home and close non essential businesses. https://www.greensboro.com/news/local_news/gov-cooper-orders-north-carolina-to-stay-at-home-closes/article_50ff5c69-507b-5f5f-87ef-673963bc31f2.html
  10. This video is very powerful. I try to remain in the middle myself, but if you ever wanted to see Mr Trumps lies in 35 secs, this video is for you. Goes to show politicians will say anything, you simply can trust any one of them.
  11. I agree, it will be between two to three months from now, but we will make it.
  12. I actually started to say, that my eagle doesn’t have replica on the side! Cheerio, have a caravan.
  13. Those trying to pillage. I’m not sure of your argument? No one is advocating violence, I’m simply stating that I am prepared if the worst happens. Your right, I’m probably dead either way, but at least I can go on my own terms, not standing there looking at my wife or little girl and saying Daddy’s sorry I couldn’t do anything for us.
  14. I’m not watching too many movies. I can die standing there looking like willie lump lump, or die taking a few of them out, and try to save my family or buy them time to flee. I’ll take the latter.
  15. Worldometer shows +8,897 new cases today https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
  16. It’s better to be prepared, than left wanting. Especially, if you have children near by. I can’t imagine the horror for them or what they would see if you are not prepared. I was forced to read a book sometime ago that changed my view. “One Second After”. I think everyone should read it, Congress forced all legislators to read it.
  17. Post of the day. Kumbaya My Lord, Kumbaya.
  18. I’m afraid they don’t know my perch, and it will be too late when they realize where it’s coming from. BTW I’m not a gun nut, but I made damn sure I had a response to any threat handy. They may get me, but most of them will be sorry, really really sorry. That .50 alone will remove limbs.
  19. I can’t wait for some band of raiders to coming knock or banging on my door. I have Mr. Glock 19, Mr Glock 21, Mr S&W Governor, and Mr. Desert Eagle .50 AE waiting on them.
  20. No, martial law mean habeas corpus will be suspended. That means our local law enforcement and court system could be superseded by some form of the military. I think large cities where residents will need to remain in doors will be the ones effected. It means residents will be forced to remain isolated, without their consent. I think this is the last line of defense and if it happens then our government has run out of options. That’s my opinion.
  21. Honestly, it is our current administration’s inability to effectively lead that scares me the most. I keep talking about martial law, this administration is the reason I think it will happen at some point. I am independent, so I’m trying to remain in the middle. Facts are much less disputed when you are not wearing red or blue colored shades. The answer here is not throwing money at the problem, it is listening to the experts, and making tough choices to make a difference. I’m not sure any previous American leader in the last 40 years would have fared any better honestly.
  22. I agree, it is possible that each state will begin to limit transportation and force residents to remain at home. In large cities, the local law enforcement may not be able to control or contain it. That is why the Guard is already deployed and ready to assume command if called upon. The article states that federal agencies can not call martial law, unless violence or unruly acts are committed. However, each state can call for the Guard and they have. These are unprecedented times.
  23. I think Governors are intentionally avoiding the language of martial law. However, the National Guard is already deployed in 22 states and could be called on to uphold the law. So is it martial law, even if it’s not called martial law? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/inside-us-militarys-plans-stop-civil-disturbances-amid-coronavirus-pandemic-something-they-1493485%3famp=1
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