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Everything posted by philit99

  1. I agree with part of your statement. However, I honestly believe Trump makes himself look bad. The guy clearly has very little education and no sense of bipartisan solutions. It’s either his way or the highway. Trump is a failed reality TV star with a large wallet and a small mind and vocabulary. They say, it’s very very very true.
  2. Northern Guilford High School north of Greensboro has been shutdown for cleaning. Guilford county school board in an emergency meeting. Students have been in contact with a potential Coronavirus patient. https://www.greensboro.com/news/education/update-northern-high-school-and-gateway-education-center-closed-for/article_f1a18fd8-5461-555f-9140-c8b49532f217.html
  3. Anyone want to bet that all schools in NC will be cancelled in the next week or so?
  4. Great job getting the info. My point is that it is impossible to know how Tom Hanks contracted the virus. Less than 100 people means the odds are slim that he met with an individual in your list. So how did he get it? He got it from someone that is not listed or counted yet as they have not been tested. Same thing over here in the states. This disease is at least a week ahead of what is being reported.
  5. However, Tom Hanks and his wife have contracted the disease while they were in Australia. Out of all the people in Australia he managed to get it, so he and his wife are 2 out of the 100 reported? If you don’t report it, then the numbers will not change that much.
  6. Wall Street Journal. LA Times, mostly. I know that most of the Chinese people spread the virus by money. That is why China is burning their own money, they can’t clean it fast enough. My local FOX station just reported that North Carolina does not have but a hand full of tests and will not get anymore until next week at the earliest. So don’t expect the state to change its numbers anytime soon. Let me say it this way, the stock market crashed. The NBA and NCAA has about shutdown tournaments. The President is trying to calm the public. I think they know more than we do, and all signs point to it not being ok.
  7. The point is you become a carrier to infect others unknowingly. People just don’t understand you can’t even look at the numbers that are being reported. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT show any symptoms, therefore they are not being tested. It is already in your community guaranteed. States don’t even have enough to tests on hand. This is already worse than you think, that is why the NBA and NCAA is shutting things down.
  8. Don’t worry, these fools will stay at home thinking they are safe, then order something from amazon or handle contaminated money and boom.
  9. Maybe we should treat the Coronavirus with Lime disease. Oops too soon my bad.
  10. Where do you guys get your information. This country has a reporting problem, spreading lies and propaganda. https://www.sciencealert.com/the-new-coronavirus-isn-t-like-the-flu-but-they-have-one-big-thing-in-common/amp
  11. So chances are several huddlers will become infected, and there is a chance that some of us or our close family members could die. However, nothing to see here remain calm and pass the TP.
  12. Cam solidified MVP for the conference game and the entire NFL
  13. I'm worried the most about Valasco than any other injury.
  14. This game comes down to the run, the team that has the most yards on the ground wins.
  15. I know my bad I thought I was quoted the OP sorry. Did not even see the dots!! lol
  16. Giants playing us tough, need to make 8-15 yard passes in the middle, work olson in the middle and it will open up the run game.
  17. I am simply stating his hand signals may be known. He needs to change his hand signals.
  18. It's early, we will come back. We need a touchdown here, I call Newton with a scramble.
  19. It's like they know our plays, Cam needs to change it up at the los.
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