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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. I wouldn't mind that but would like a little more info before I said yes.
  2. Very good clip. Enjoyed it and looking forward to the season. Thanks
  3. If you had the choice between rule and the seahawks, who would you take? Not rule I assume.
  4. As much as I like Santana, this just doesn't fit here.
  5. I agree. He paid for that one. Still, you can't deny he was a great player and died young.
  6. It has improved but I don't know how much of CMC will be playing this year.
  7. If you look at only the rookie and not the others, yes. Otherwise........
  8. If that doesn't make Zod cry, nothing will.
  9. Don't post any more "Mayfield is Happening" threads.
  10. You don't want to kill the spirit of a potential great QB by putting them in to start. Give him time.
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