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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. So, drafting on in the first round will change that?
  2. Based on what? A training camp where he was ignored. You know nothing about this situation other than the desire to select another QB that may or may not be any better.
  3. You don't waste a top 5 pick on a QB that MIGHT be the answer. You have to be 100% sure that he is going to be the answer. We already have a QB that might be the answer on the roster. Rhule kind of screwed us by not giving Corral Reps with the 1st string offense during camp, so now we are stuck with an unknown. I'd rather take another position of need than to reach. Stroud doesn't impress me. He looked terrible against a team they should have blown out. I know the wind was a factor, but he wasn't good at all. IMO. Young, is a very intriguing prospect but he also has major issue that he will face in the NFL. It's going to come down to Fitterer and our staff as to whether any of them have a much greater upside than Corral. If we pass on a QB in round 1 they may be able to wait until the early 2nd and still get a QB that has skills to play in the NFL. I don't think it is a bad idea to trade down, get 2 first for our pick. One in 23 and one in 24 and if Corral doesn't pan out, we can package those to picks to get a better QB prospect in 2024. I, nor anyone here, is a professional scout and can say one way or the other how good a QB is in this draft. I have my opinion but that's just my opinion. If we end up choosing a QB (Stroud, Young or any of these QBs) I will be onboard with that decision. I just believe going into the 1st round with our only focus on a QB only is a mistake. We shouldn't draft one just because we need one when their skillset might not translate to the NFL. We'll see.
  4. What will be worse is, Tepper turns around and hires McCarthy. I would hate that move.
  5. Pretty shallow minded thinking but it doesn't surprise me. And you're wrong.
  6. OP must be a former Saints fan. No matter what I would never stoop to the lowness of putting a bag on my head just to show displeasure. We've got talent on this team we just need to settle the QB position.
  7. So basically, if you don't believe the QBs in this draft are worthy of a 1st round pick they are mouthbreathers? What makes you the expert on QBs?
  8. I found this. Looks like we are going to give Sam a chance to play too.
  9. Totally different. Willis is scared and he's had reps with the starting unit. It's one thing if he threw the ball to a wide receiver and it got intercepted. The last two plays Willis had several seconds to do something and he froze. Completely froze. Corral didn't get one rep with the starting unit.
  10. Why, he was drafted to play QB. He's had several months to work on his game. It was said before he was every drafted. His use of his legs is what made him special. If you are too scared to pull the trigger, IDGAF how great of an arm you have, you're a failure in this league.
  11. There isn't a comparison at all. Willis is playing with the best offensive line that Tennessee can muster. Corral was playing behind an offensive line that are currently waiting to see if they can make an XFL roster, at best. Willis got nearly all the reps with the starting lineup. Corral got 5 minutes' worth of Reps at the end of practice. Which equates to about 3 or 4 plays. Please stop with the Corral is worse because you don't have a clue how good or bad, he can be. Nor do I for that matter. For you to say you know factually that he's bad is just plain dislike for the guy. Most likely you wanted someone else and therefore, bashing him justifies your unbelievable analysis of his performance.
  12. Dodged a bullet on Willis. This guy is worse than PJ.
  13. But, But, but we can have all those 1sts round draft picks and rebuild with unknowns. Come On, Man
  14. I kind of consider PJ a rookie. He hasn't had much time under center and is going to make mistakes. That said, it looks like each week he improves. He's going to have his ups and downs but he may be serviceable for a short time frame. ( as @rayzor said a year or two) The last thing we need to do is reach for a QB just because all the talking heads think we should draft one of their favorite QBs. We have other needs as well. DE in round one. Bowers TE Georgia Round two and a QB with the SF pick.
  15. Why take away the deep pass? I wouldn't call it a hail Mary as that is usually all receivers at the goal line trying to make a play. This was a great play. PJ is growing into the position. While it is far too early to call him a player we can count on in the future. I think it's fair to keep an open mind as to his potential future as a QB. You're a fan of a QB in this draft so I get your desire for him to fail.
  16. I'm not sure if the tweet for a second was for Claypool only or all of them. DJ is far more valuable than a 2nd and I am glad we didn't trade him for a 2nd.
  17. I have actually watched a couple of games this college football season and seen some interesting prospects other than the Young/Stroud/Levis/Hooker/Richardson talks. I expect to see risers and fallers soon.
  18. I think so many people want a QB so bad in this draft because we haven't drafted a 1st round QB since Cam. They believe the rookie is going to be our savior and turn this team around. I'm not convinced any have that "IT" factor. I passed judgment on PJ last year and much of this year. What I have seen is a lot of improvement with his accuracy. A couple of those throws he made to DJ across the middle where absolute dimes. The one DJ couldn't come up with was also a well-placed ball. His TD to DJ was money too. That's pretty impressive to throw that deep and hit our receiver in stride. Can't teach that. What I do like is he has a winner's mentality, and I am excited to watch the Panthers each week. Confidence is a big factor. This has been his first real opportunity as the #1 starter game in and game out. I don't think anyone should anoint him a sure-fire starter but nor do I think anyone should label him as a perennial journeyman QB. He has the tools and who knows with more experience how good he can get. Let's just wait and see how the season unfolds. I am sure we'll have a better assessment after 12 games. Worst case scenario we lose all these games (to the thrill of all the Tankers out there) but at least PJ keeps it exciting.
  19. If we end up at 3 and Detroit and Houston are in front of us, as they are now, I doubt they will trade down. They'll take Stroud and Young at 1 and 2. If we are further down the board, which maybe the situation, and somehow one of those two slips down to 3 and we try to trade up it is most likely going to cost us next year's 1st. I don't think they'll do it. Best bet is to take another position of need and maybe deal the two 2nd rounders for a late 1st rounder if someone like Hooker drops. Whatever we do we don't want to reach for a QB that may or may not be better than who we currently have on the roster.
  20. Well for all you bettors I guess you need to put your money on the LAC today.
  21. Totally agree. Reaching for QB just because we need a QB is really bad idea. Not only do we reach but we possibly pass up on a position of need.
  22. You have nothing positive to say on any post. Your rebuttal isn't a rebuttal at all it is just hating to hate.
  23. I don't call out posters very often but you are nothing more than a Troll. You have very little if anything to say in a positive manner. I have yet to figure out why you come on here other than to post negative comments. It's not like the OP just posted some obscure number. This is a legit number, nearly 6 more yards than the next long pass. PJ, whether you like him or not made a big play to a big play receiver and tied the game when most thought we were done. Why don't you give credit where credit is due. TROLL
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