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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. I like the addtions on defense and believe our defense is going to keep us in many games. If the offense can put us in the 20-24 point range we might just have an above .500 season. No one gave Houston a shot at making the playoffs this time last season. Why can we duplicate what Houston did in 2023. 9-8 and in the wild card hunt. Gotta love optimism.
  2. More of a conversation. I still have hopes that BY shows with some weapons and a legitimate offense line he's going to be better.
  3. Definitely see your point. However, he made Geno Smith 22 and Baker Mayfield 23 Pro Bowl QBs. I would venture to say Prescott is a better QB than both of those guys.
  4. A) I said IF. B) The past two seasons Canales has shown he knows what he's doing. Because Young couldn't grasp his training doesn't mean he's not a QB whisperer.
  5. Agreed. If he would take a very respectable deal leaving us a little money to add more playmakers I'd be more then happy with a top 15 QB running the show here. To me this is the biggest drawback. Part of the issue with DP is he wants top dollar.
  6. Come on, man. You know you miss the potbellied Matt Fhule.
  7. If in 2024 Brice Young doesn't show improvement and there aren't any surefire franchise QBs in the 2025 draft. Dak is done in Dallas after 2024. Would you consider Dak? For me I've never been a huge Prescott fan but with Canales's ability to bring a QB along it's an interesting thought.
  8. What this doesn't show is whether BY was up to his ass in defenders crawling all over him. Before we pass judgment for 2024 how about we wait and see if a stud O-line makes a difference.
  9. This is just the beginning. Pro Football Hall of Fame is next. He was a defensive coordinator worst nightmare. My favorite thing about 89 is he didn't back down to anyone. MJ is the GOAT but I cannot think of anyone that took smack talking to a level of MJ other than Agent 89. I will never forget Fred Smoot talking how he was going to shut Smitty down. After that game Smoot was never the same. Plus I was estatic to have seen that game live.
  10. Can't wait to see him against NFL talent. ME NEITHER
  11. Agreed That said, 2024 there should be no more excuses. BY will have several new targets, an improved O-line and a more competent coaching staff this year. He just needs to play better. If he's continues to make mistakes or just can't get the job done than we need to move on in 2025.
  12. He'll make a reasonable improvement ~ 24 TD 3000 yards and well be competing for division I think something close to this is the only thing that keeps us from drafting a QB in 2025. Anything less we're wasting years.
  13. Once it gets closer to training camp their asking price is going to come down significantly. Once you skip a year of playing at their age they will soon be forgotten.
  14. Something this team sorely needs. I don't want them to get along. I want them to battle tooth and nail. I'm really excited about OTAs and mini-camps.
  15. I just believe these picks have more to do with the mental makeup and physical traits. Both of the LBs give me a Frankie Luvu feeling. I know everyone is getting tried of the "Dawg" comments but every one of them give me that feeling. Hopefully we'll see that in camp. I expect a couple of fights.
  16. I never said that. With this core of WRs we have several different combinations. This was just one of them.
  17. Here's the clip. I don't see the issue everyone seems to be worried about. He's been working this position for several years and now he'll prove it. https://youtu.be/tuul7aBtbGA?si=k-gyD4adheHnnMXu
  18. I can't believe there wasn't a serious conversation between Morgan, Canales and Corbett, Christensen and Mays. IMO, Corbett convinced them he can play the position as well as Christensen and Mays. We have OTAs and mini-camps to evaluate and address the position if they aren't doing well. I was hoping for a C too in the draft, but am completely satisfied with the draft. Rounds 1-4 filled many needs. You can be upset that we didn't address the center position but you gotta love we got offensive talent for BY. Raym seems to fit the attitude Morgan is looking for. Has some issues and will probably make the PS. His deficencies are coachable. Who knows maybe he becomes Norwell 2.0.
  19. Imagine. Johnson on one side Coker the other, Theilen in the slot and Sanders at TE. You can double team the all. Johnson and Coker running precise routes. All of the are dangerous because they are sure handed. Could be a fun year.
  20. The wins will be a factor but I believe it will be more about how he progresses. If he's pulling a Darnold and making the same mistakes over and over again the wins won't mean that much. They say he's a smart QB. He'll have weapons this season so we'll see if he uses them.
  21. If you're going to bring up the Burns trade you have to include the players we were able to sign with the money we saved by trading Burns. We got three positions of need with the money we saved by trading him.
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