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Everything posted by TNPanther

  1. After this and the curb stomping Florida put on the dawgs yesterday the fans here are on suicide watch. I'm loving it
  2. I'm honestly more worried about the saints down the stretch than I am Atlanta.
  3. Typical Atlanta. No energy in the stadium. The crowd is hungover from Georgia getting curb stomped yesterday
  4. Norman's phantom injury thankfully wasn't a big deal because of the depth we have at corner. That had the potential to blow up into something huge if the Iggles had completed a pass for a crucial first down. Even Collinsworth was questioning the refs on that one.
  5. Funchess is depressed about yesterday....could be a reason
  6. I may be in the minority here, but I think it was a good call. That play has worked in the past. Just poorly executed, not to mention the Seahawks D read it perfectly
  7. I wonder if he will wear 69. I'm sure Gross doesn't care.
  8. Next man up mentality. I'm not making any assumptions until we hear word on the extent of his injury though.
  9. don't say that dude. you're not helping matters.
  10. I'm hoping, if any injury at all, that this is only similar to what Smitty had back at the end of 2013. Fingers crossed.
  11. The Lions went 4-0 and looked unstoppable in the preseason in 2008. How'd their season turn out that year? Just a thought. A huge part of the reason I never put any stock into preseason games.
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