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top dawg

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Everything posted by top dawg

  1. That may be too quick, but I'm all for getting him out there as soon as he's ready, whether that's September or December.
  2. You have to be patient with Corral, not mess him up by throwing him to the wolves until he's ready. This is the way that it should be.
  3. I haven't heard one teammate say that Darnold is special, or the QB of the future, or really anything of the sort. Darnold has that spectre of we-don't-want-him-starting-in-2022 right behind him (even if it's unspoken). It wasn't so long ago that Rhule was equivocating on why Darnold's option was picked up so quickly, we were killing ourselves to get Watson, and (more recently) rumors about Danold losing his QB1 status were flowing through Panther land. Support of Darnold is as big of a ghost as Darnold has ever seen on the gridiron. Not so with Lance.
  4. So Sam Acho doesn't believe Lance will make it, and yet James Jones is making comparisons to A-Rod and Mahomes. And Jones isn't just coming out the side of his neck. And Erik Armstead is "expecting great things..." https://www.49erswebzone.com/articles/158819-armstead-jimmy-garoppolo-criticism-expecting-great-things-lance/ I only point these things out to showcase that there are two sides to the story. But if you look up reports within the past month, there are way more positive than negative.
  5. Yep, just like Fitterer said in so many words, if a QB is available, you have to ask yourself "Why?" The Browns gave up a tremendous amount to land Watson notwithstanding his circumstances. If they really thought that Baker was all that, then they simply wouldn't have done it. Hell, they wouldn't even have thought about it. BTW, recent reports are very complimentary of Lance.
  6. Recent reports have been very positive of Lance's development, particularly his throwing motion, accuracy and touch. Lance said that he wasn't himself last season due to an injured finger. In any event, his progress has been palpable. Just my opinion: I don't think the 49ers would be so keen to want to dump Garropolo if Lance wasn't making huge strides. The FO doesn't seem like one to cave in to outside noise.
  7. I'm nearly 100 percent sure that you could pick a game out of Garropolo's career where he looked good. Do you remember when they took down the mighty Saints in 2019 late in the season? My thing is, that you just can't throw out career stats. They are what they are, and are a reflection of what a player has done over his career, and Garropolo's are better than Mayfield's. If you're throwing the stats out and cherry picking games, then that's more subjective than objective. I'm not saying there isn't some merit to doing that, because I know that there is a certain amount of that when trying to analyze a situation, but it's not the hallmark of objectivity. All that being said, I really don't want either one of them because of how they've folded at big times, and Jimmy seems like he has a higher propensity to fold; but, don't get me wrong, I suspect they are similar in that regard as well. But, I'll give Mayfield a pass because he hasn't been around as long.
  8. Does he? Objectively speaking, I'm not so sure that most people who are giving Mayfield the edge over Garropolo aren't simply and simplistically doing it out of perceived upside (and/or suspected youth because he is a whole three years younger). I think some Huddlers may be particularly using that rationale and do so because of lack of objectivity. The fact is, that per Ellis, "...most evaluators prefer Garropolo..." "Garoppolo has a career completion percentage of 68% while Mayfield completes 61% of his passes. They have nearly identical touchdown and interception percentages around 4.6% and 2.8%, respectively. Garoppolo’s career yards per attempt (8.4) is more than a yard greater than Mayfield’s 7.3 yards-per-attempt average." As you should know, those seemingly small differences in passer rating and YPA are huge. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article261788887.html
  9. The only way I see Rhule getting whacked is if we begin like we ended last season. I don't really want to put a number on it, but I think if we win less than 5 or 6 games and look terrible while doing it, then these Rhule-needs-to-win people may be onto something. If we get to seven, I doubt that Rhule goes anywhere. Hell, he might be safe regardless.
  10. Perhaps. I would think that most NFL fans, especially anyone in their mid twenties would know James Jones. Certainly most Huddlers. The average NFL fan is younger than us for sure, but not that much younger.
  11. Not in that sense, it's just that you could've been more specific by including the name of the, uh, "analyst", so we could decide if it's really worth clicking on.
  12. I am really not trying to be funny, but it appears like some of Scots titles are becoming a little Special Juan-esque (with the unnecessary mystery).
  13. These guys don't know what's going on on Mint St. What James Jones is suggesting doesn't even really jibe with the owner's comments. Within that same vein, I'll take a hardcore fan's perspective about the state of a team over these B an C list national types any day of the week.
  14. I mean, it's not like the tweet really gave any new groundbreaking information, or purported to, it's just more of an update. I believe that the point is is that it was so inconsequential that it wasn't even worth posting here.
  15. Well, to be honest, a certain percentage of SJ's threads are about nothing. The titles are apparently the most compelling part for many. We love him anyway.
  16. Good! Rhule & Fitt better toe the line and not step one foot further. If they do then they'll have entered sap territory.
  17. For all you fathers out there on this special day, if you're a hardcore Panthers fan like I am, it's OK to accept that Panthers gift, whatever it is, with happiness and pride. I could be wrong, but I feel that a more competitive season is coming. We'll be able to don our gear and not be disgusted. That's something. Have a good Dad Day!
  18. The four to five weeks between OTAs and TC has always been the worst for me as an NFL fan, and even more as a Panthers fan. I think that it's worse when your team has had a string of recent down-years, and you don't know when or if you'll be getting off the treadmill of suck. This is the period on the Huddle when you have to maneuver through insignificant fluff or trite, repetitive threads about how the HC sucks, the OC sucks, or this player sucks and how the coming season is an ode to a lame duck. Sure, you try and garner something new from the rehash of old information, and you can pay attention to whatever general soap opera is going on the NFL at the time---this year, just like last year, it's Deshaun---but even that gets old and tiresome. Without the occasional signing of a prospective, old crafty veteran, or a tainted, but possibly talented youngin (at least that's what you try and tell yourself), this period of the NFL offseaason is one big void of virtual nothingness. There's no more NBA finals. Hockey is over, not that anyone watches it other than the occasional playoff game. Baseball? Golf? Soccer ()?How boring in comparison. Tennis, maybe! I don't know. It's a good period to spend quality time with the family, boys and gals! Take a few trips, go for walks, the gym, the lake. Cook out on the grill, have a few beers, some good wine, and put all these worthwhile things on the forefront of your mind and that omnipresent desperation for NFL football on the back burner. It will help you get though this dry spell.
  19. If I fully expected it, or at least thought it was a very real possibility, the Browns FO had to also I'd think. It's really not a surprise. As for Mayfield, it has been reported for months that that bridge is burned. It is ash.
  20. Yeah, surely they've moved off of that. Rhule and company can't accept that now lest they look like they were just needlessly posturing for going on two months. If they take that deal, they'll not only appear weak, they'll rightfully earn that reputation. I think the word is "posers".
  21. Rhule's approach is stupid.
  22. The play calling was abysmal and affected them all. For the record, his contract looks pretty good right now in my opinion. I'm not begrudging him that money. I think it's fair considering WR salary inflation.
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