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Everything posted by Growl

  1. I still don’t understand why we cut charlton all this moron does is boot it into the endzone every single time without fail
  2. 3rd and 1 on a must have drive and you line Cam up under center with mccaffery on the sideline and you run some ridiculous horizontal run
  3. why do we invest in all these corners if we’re just gonna keep playing Keith Taylor
  4. it is demonstrably a poor coaching issue. Rhule is going to have to go through and clean house on a lot of his guys and I’m not sure he’s willing to.
  5. WR coach had one season of nfl experience before he got here. He was a Baylor guy. Moore has plateaued, Anderson isn’t contributing, Marshall hasn’t contributed.
  6. I feel like only John fox would consider lining up kris mangum tight as “quads”
  7. And I’m telling you that being a quality control guy for the dolphins 10 years ago is not what I’m branding as experience. your definition of “long nfl tenure” is broken, the length of a playing career does not constitute as long in the coaching world and your entire foundation is compromised when you lied about how many coaches have nfl experience by trying to cite their presence here last year as qualifying as “nfl experience”
  8. that’s great but there’s a whole lot of other guys on the staff by my count there are only two guys with more than a decade of league experience, most don’t even come close. If there’s any position group Rhule is qualified to immerse himself and offer a hand coaching, it would be the OL. The staff doesn’t have a a broad pool of knowledge to draw from. Where is the guy who knows other coaches inside and out simply because he’s been in the league so long that he’s been on rosters with most of them? That’s stuff that rhule and staff have to waste time studying tape on when other staffs have guys who simply know opposition coaches instinctively. edit: make that 3. to your other point, I don’t care if so and so was an area scout for the browns in 2017 before descending down to the collegiate game, which is what much of the “nfl experience” you’re referring to is. the nfl is an oligarchy, this team is devoid of any longstanding coaches who offer up any in-depth familiarity with opposing names edit 2: secondly I see there are names you’ve forgotten. Being here last year doesn’t count as nfl experience, obviously my comment had nothing to do with rookie coaches on the roster, that completely misses the point
  9. Many of those positional coaches are second year guys out of Baylor with no nfl experience
  10. that’s great, there are lots of threads on those things
  11. my hilt is pretty hard to conceal tbh
  12. I’ve thought when I’ve seen people complain throughout the season that it was an attempt by the team to force the fans to take the baton and do it on their own accord, but they definitely fill in the missing air time with rubbish which makes it impossible really have no idea what they are thinking now
  13. these are the kinds of games you’re expected to win when you wear those words inside the back of your jersey That’s the standard around here Rhule has yet to do it
  14. That’s the song they played as the team marched out there for one last chance at doing something special and giving their fanbase something they could remember forever, as to opposed to the Keep Pounding chant It felt like jake coming out at the half versus Jax and then Mims started up and killed the atmosphere
  15. Rhule doesn’t understand the nfl game. Brady is an atrocious game day playcaller. The seat needs to be getting real warm. The team is built to win right now. Can’t spend four years hoping they figure it out or this could turn real ugly real quick.
  16. This game is all on coaching. Probably just cost this teams a Playoff spot.
  17. imagine if they hadn’t burned a timeout running the punt team on the field
  18. I really don’t think they trust cam tbh. it’s been incredibly vanilla on offense and they’ve refused to take a shot despite the protection being there
  19. Protection has been there. Refuse to take a deep shot.
  20. Haven’t tried them deep all game despite being down their two best pass rushers
  21. Soft over the middle. Just checking it down to the underneath man and snow hasn’t adjusted.
  22. He’ll just invent some new line of circular reasoning as to why the Panthers actually made the most ideal possible decision and every single player is the greatest i can see it now ”sam darnold is one of the leagues best QBs. The Panthers know this, but they also know that a rookie QB is cheaper. Both players are amazing, but they picked one, because. that. Is. what. excellent. teams. do. it’s that simple. can’t believe you stupid posters who I’m too cowardly to name because then it will invite logical counters don’t see it.” edit: it’s like reading one of those AI thought bots that don’t have any original thoughts but simply draw from the pool of information available on a specific topic. His topic is Panthers post game pressers where he simply parrots all the generic isms players and coaches vomit out as if they actually mean what they say.
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