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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Well they need to shyte or get off the pot then.
  2. If Sanders goes down, we may be fugged. Don't have alot of confidence in either of those two. Average or below running backs at best. Blackshear has better vision, but he is not a #1 back. Bryce is going to need a running game to keep him vertical. Probably waiting for final cuts to grab somebody. A JAG is a wasted roster spot, doubt the cuts will yield more then that. The Oline is at their best when they have a quality running back to block for. So they need to find one if the back they signed is on the sidelines.
  3. Put something together (no picks) and move on it. If we don't a team like the Saints would jump on it.
  4. Could they??? Should they??? He wants to go and is suited for our defensive scheme. Possible to put a package together that they would bite on? Maybe YGM and ......? Would definitely help the pass rush and solidify that position for a while. Yay or nay
  5. If they can get Chark back and healthy, we may be alright. Add in our #1 running back out of the backfield.....+++
  6. Icky is a much better run blocker. Saw that last year with our running game. They may have to lean on the running game again to save Bryces ass.
  7. Is the rude comments about the owners wife supposed to be funny?
  8. Once they get the Oline fixed and if the WR Corp can stay on their feet....then yes, he is the right guy.
  9. I wouldn't put faith in Chark after the latest news. A guy with his injury history can't be counted on for a full season. Who is available who isn't a JAG and can possibly carry the load along with the rookie and T.J. Not panicking, but Young needs someone who can do the job.....ideas?
  10. Guys got a history of being injured....didn't take long.
  11. I just read the same thing. Reich must have said something. Hammy's can be a problem. Looks like Mingo and T.J gonna have to step it up quickly.
  12. Rumor going around that DJ Chark is injured and it might be pretty serious. Can anyone verify or is this just bullcrap? According to what I read, Reich said he was hurt but didn't elaborate......please verify either way
  13. I still can't fiqure out some of the moves this team makes.....regardless of who is running the show.
  14. As I said in my previous post, they need to bring in a RB that can do the job. Young needs a competent running game that he can rely on. Definitely a fail if they don't give him that.
  15. Hope he doesn't wait until we are in dire straights before he hands Brown the job. Not many older HC's are still calling the plays (Reid is the exception,Payton is another). The game evolves very fast and new blood with new ideas will win the day.
  16. It's just a damn football team. It's just a form of entertainment (or not). It has no bearing on your life as a spectator. Get a hobby that makes you happy and doesn't cause stress. Much more important things in life to worry about.
  17. Ego problem maybe. His track record with play calling in Indy helped get him canned.
  18. I feel he is better than the HC in that regard. Sure it is preseason, but it seems he has the mojo to call the right plays at the right time. Reich just reminds me of the SOS that we have seen here before. Vanilla calls for preseason will be some of the comments on this. Reich had the same problems in Indy with his play calling in his tenure there. Hopefully this isn't the Offense we have to look foward to with Reich calling the plays.
  19. Meh....sick of excuses every fuggin season
  20. 3rd and 30...typical Panthers
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