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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. If you disagree that's fine. That is what a discussion forum is all about. Being able to discuss and disagree is the basis for this place. Being a asshat and just throwing personal insults at people you do not know or agree with is juvenile and bullsh%t.
  2. Some ingrates in this forum have no class and act like children. Can't have an adult conversation without insults and derogatory comments....get lost.
  3. Rhule and his clown show put the kid behind the eight ball from the get go. Yes he is a third round pick and in the few snaps he did get looked lost. The staff needs to see what he can do and actually give him a fair shot. If he shats the bed, so be it. Give him reps and a full camp and see what happens. Dalton doesn't need much to hit the ground running. Need to do the right thing and see what they can do with the kid.
  4. I hope the brain trust was correct in their QB pick. Bryce looks like a midget behind the line. I knew he was small, but this was kind of shocking to see it with my own eyes.
  5. Would be a great addition. Burns needs a guy like him on the other side. Do it.....
  6. $$$$$$$$......they have to bend you over and take your money.
  7. If they have decided to stack the offense (which is fine), have to fill this need in FA instead. They have enough $$ to sign a decent player (not a JAG). If they can do this then this team may be able to make a decent run ( if B.Y pans out). Who is left in FA that could make a difference....who is it?
  8. The talking heads and beat writers needing something to cause some drama, or they would have just been staring at a wall.
  9. Guy is a millionaire after his seven years (If he invested his money wisely), still relatively young without any major injuries....say he did okay for himself with the opportunities he was given.
  10. Guy is a millionaire after his seven years (If he invested his money wisely), still relatively young without any major injuries....say he did okay for himself with the opportunities he was given.
  11. Guy is a millionaire after his seven years (If he invested his money wisely), still relatively young without any major injuries....say he did okay for himself with the opportunities he was given.
  12. Isn't that what roids are for... Kidding of course....he may not even be the pick.
  13. Optimism and hope spring eternal once again. With the draft eight days away and two top QB prospect's in our sights plus a good FA haul has made it exciting to be a Panther fan once again. Having to put up with the sh%t show that Rhule and company had put on the field last season, I had lost all interest. Looking foward to training camp and driving down from Hendersonville to see the new team and checking out the schedule to buy a few tickets for select games. Life is good in Panther land once again with a promising future.... no matter who they choose at #1.
  14. He isn't drafted yet or taken one pro snap and already talking Pro bowl. Might as well ask the magic 8 ball and go with the answer.
  15. Or Offensive line at 2nd pick for depth?
  16. With the signing of Byrd, does this mean they are looking at defense for 2nd pick? Not likely looking at Hopkins at this point($$), seem to be signing 2nd tier WR's. Opinions on passing on a WR untill the later rounds.
  17. The Panthers don't give a shat what sports writers have to say. They have to write something for the next seventeen or so days before the draft to earn a living. I'm sure the team knows exactly all they need to know about player X by now. They certainly don't give a rats ass what other teams may do sitting at #1... unless they plan to trade down (which I doubt),
  18. This team doesn't have three seasons to try and get this kid on track (assuming he can do what's needed to be a pro level QB). Project isn't in the cards for our QB situation.
  19. F.R wouldn't last three years if he forced that pick. He better not buy a house if he does.
  20. A nice problem to have.... Can't go wrong with either guy.
  21. This chance and the trade to make it happen may not come around again. They have had plenty of time to do research and figure out all options. 'Maybe and/or take a shot' doesn't work with this pick. Make the safest pick possible and leave all the development BS to a later pick for another team. This is their one shot to become relevant again and stay relevant for seasons to come.......don't fug it up boys.
  22. No lose scenario. He lost a whole season with the injury and never had a chance. Let him learn with the new pick from our ginger backup. Never know what develops in the long run. Doesn't hurt at all to see if he can develop and be a decent back up when A.D hangs it up.
  23. I don't know if you throw dice with the #1 pick and hope it rolls your way.
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