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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. There’s so much to unpack here, but I’d rather just move on. Agree to disagree.
  2. Well as of this evening, the staff does want him here. And you’re right; he doesn’t look good out there….to you. He looks exactly as I expected he would. He is a guy with a strong arm and good athleticism, that is in his second year with a new staff after missing his first with a chaotic staff. Maybe there’s a better place he could go to develop, but there is a high level of offensive knowledge all around him here. This would have to be one of the better places to be in the league.
  3. You are assuming he doesn’t want to be here. Can you back that up in any way?
  4. It’s wild that some people here have said the opposite and wanted him cut. Not that their take is wild, just wild that two people can watch the same player, with one loving what they see, and the other thinking he’s trash. I liked what I’ve seen so far. He has a compact heaviness when he tackles somebody. Some might call it “having that dawg in him.”
  5. The poster thinks he’s worth more than what we could get in trade right now. I’m sure you are correct that a team would give a 7th for him, but the poster doesn’t think that’s enough.
  6. I feel like if you have undrafted guys anywhere, offensive line I’m least worried about. So much if it is about the unit as a whole and not the individual. It’s mostly technique and communication. Take Erving. He was a 1st rounder I believe? He had good feet and prototype tackle size/length. But at 31 he still couldn’t take advantage of his physical tools, played off balance, too high, no leverage. Sometimes if you get a guy young before those bad habits solidify, it’s the better direction to go.
  7. If he’s cut I always figured it would be one of the last cuts. They would try to hold off and work the phones to trade him.
  8. As he should be. I keep thinking the Cardinals could be a trade partner for him, but they are so clearly tanking with that QB room.
  9. He really does. I’m sure there’s something I’m not seeing, but he clearly looks better than Tremble and Ian (at least in the passing game). I’d like to see him more against the 1’s. He can actually catch.
  10. It’s all good we just need no injuries at all haha
  11. It’s easy to poo on Rhule, but it’s not dissimilar from the rest of the league, or our team history. Most guys drafted don’t last long. That’s just how it goes.
  12. That’s me. Fortunately we won’t care week 1 though lol.
  13. YGM would paradoxically be both a surprise cut, and a surprise if he made the roster.
  14. Smith balls out on special teams too. Might have made the difference.
  15. If Corral isn’t on the 53, the amount of pie in the celebration thread will crash this site.
  16. The depth chart had him listed as a starter, and then he was cut. Why the fug would anyone be curious that the fan base would have a reaction to that? Has nothing to do with how good he was/wasn’t.
  17. It takes a “special kind of stupid” to admit your mistakes?
  18. Bingo. And all this points to what’s reality: that this is a TEAM sport, no matter how hard we, as fans, try to evaluate players in a vacuum. We are literally a few years removed from the best QB in the league getting BLOWN OUT in the Super Bowl against the Bucs because even he couldn’t get it done without the help of his offensive line. And then there is bias: Young this preseason received the benefit of the doubt because his line wasn’t giving him time (which is true), but just a year ago, Corral was getting his helmet ripped off, and had no pocket, and this board was full of “Corral sucks” takes. If we don’t slow down to think things through, then our emotions will lead to wildly inconsistent and conflicting thoughts.
  19. I think he makes the team based on special teams. He sometimes beats the gunners down the field after initially blocking. He shows off his speed on kickoffs too. And he hits like a truck. Maybe he makes a career being a gangster on special teams. We loved Karl Hankton and he never was a usable wide out. He was just a pro and a team leader on special teams.
  20. Good luck. The path ahead is a rocky one.
  21. I think Tremble has been misused from the jump. His ND tape is a lead blocking wet dream with a few catches throw in. He’s never been used that way. Or maybe he has sucked blocking NFL players and just beat up on college guys.
  22. He laid the wood multiple times this preseason. Good special teamer too. Now if he was getting out physicalled by linemen, he may just be terrible shedding blocks. No matter how great his size is for LB, a 320lb man will still make him look silly if they get their hands on him.
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