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About broncoitis

  • Birthday 02/01/1957

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  1. KK as 2nd line center. Hmmm. I thought it might be Kuzy. Anyhow I'm ready for playoff hockey. LFG Canes
  2. Coming off an Achilles injury? Hope they have a decent backup.
  3. Do we cut loose our swiss army knife Shenault? Has been available for more than 6 games any either season he's been here?
  4. Maybe he becomes the Panthers Ozzie Newsome.
  5. Dallas is confused. Great play calling for GB
  6. He wasn't caught in a massage parlor.....soo...he'll get a pass. Robert Kraft anyone?
  7. I watch until I'm certain of the outcome. Usually switch to redzone about the 3rd quarter.
  8. Off to redzone for the rest of this. Hurricanes on at 5 sooo...
  9. Is Bryce not able to throw slants or straight seam routes. I don't recall seeing a slant all season
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