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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. Care to explain why someone rooting for an underdog player amuses you?
  2. IMO, with all they put in with him, and how much they wanted him. There are only two reasons he is gone. 1. He didn't get it. 2. He doesn't have it. Everyone has a limit on their competence. Maybe he hit his in College? Not the first kid to look good in College, and not so well in the NFL. All that said. We may never know the reason he was cut.
  3. As we practice with both our first two opponents. I'm not sure how much we will even see Sam the first two games.
  4. Even if Darnold does goes off, some will still complain. It's the Huddle afterall.
  5. What it actually does, is make it darn near impossible for kids to get those balls after a TD.
  6. To be fair. The only honest to goodness Tackles only, are Moton, and maybe Scott. Everyone else is a Tackle/Guard. So in actuality, we only have 1-2 Tackles.
  7. Once the Panthers actually hit the field. This place will show its true colors. Right now, folks don't have that razor like focus on their negativity. It's hit or miss, it's all over the place. There is no actual football at which to direct their ire. Next Sat. is when the real bullets start to fly. Duck and cover mofos. Duck and cover. jaj
  8. There are two types of Trolls. The ones who think everything they say is "Gold Jerry, Gold". And the ones who think they are smarter than everyone else. Either way, it's just a cry for attention. Find the Huddlerz you want to converse with. And pretty much just ignore the rest. After all, it's supposed to be entertaining. So have fun.
  9. So you're fine with him being a serial abuser? Seems about right for you.
  10. 50 poo between you. Someone has to step it up if you want to be King Troll.
  11. Were they all first time Coaches? . That would be a no.
  12. In the last 25 years, we have had more success than the boys. But Mericas team. lol
  13. IMO, there will be a number of ex Panther fans who may not give a poo. My saving grace is that Tepper is not going to allow this type of player on his team.
  14. The Panther fan in me says, the price is too high. The man in me says, it's a flat no. Sadly, the NFL has a history of 2nd, and sometimes 3rd chances. This will probably turn into one more such deal.
  15. Dang dude, not everything has to be so cut and dried, or so literal. You got off on some wild tangent. And I have no idea how to continue this discussion. I realize football is entertainment. As such, stars get better treatment. HOWEVER, IT DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. I cannot change that. I can only rail against it. Edit to add; I did not say it was bad. I said it was wrong. Come on man, stick to my words.
  16. Pretty much the prevailing sentiment around here.
  17. Sucks for Clempson nation. lol All I'm saying is. You do the crime, you do the time, miss the games. Unfortunately we all know that is a pipe dream for lots of players.
  18. Do who? People with a moral center. Or Watson fans? I believe in second chances. But, there is a clear line between hitting a football player (s), and abusing women. Both are wrong, yet one is worse.
  19. It's not about moving on. It's about doing the right thing the first time. Some folks don't want the type of person Watson seems to be. Doesn't make it right just because some team is willing to pay them.
  20. Sure everybody has their own lines. But most lawful people with an ounce of compassion, pretty much have the same line. And right now, Watson fans seem quite content to blur the line.
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