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Everything posted by OneBadCat

  1. I’d like to bring them back to see what the new staff can do with them. No expectations however.
  2. He's more valuable to us if he pans out than if he pick up some scraps on a trade.
  3. I think they need to see how Christensen does at LT with Icky at G. I would absolutely bring most if not all the starters back but sign some legit competition in FA.
  4. Yeah but 2018 was flushed down the toilet because TJ Watt is a scumb bag POS and targeted Cams shoulder. 2019 was Cams freak lis franc injury. But if it was at his 2020 NE form on the 2019 Panthers we probably would have had a successful season.
  5. Yeah he would. Cam never had Kelce or Hill.
  6. I wouldn’t say that. The Ravens were the better team they just blew it on personal fouls and that fumble into the endzone. The Lions are much more cohesive and balanced.
  7. You guys make great points but I mainly meant the vibe they brought. The Lions give no fugs like the 2015 team did. They are steamrolling their championship opponent like we did. I suspect that roster is far more talented than people give it credit for. In contrast Ron just rode Cam, Luke, and a few other guys.
  8. The Lions have a 2015 Panthers vibe. Just hope the refs don’t rig the superbowl against them.
  9. The Panthers live vicariously through the Detroit Lions. Whoop that ass!
  10. Gotta love the Lions coming out guns blazing.
  11. Yeah but the one in our game was legit uncatchable.
  12. That was an ill advised throw by Lamar that but definitely pass interference and the ref was too chicken to throw the flag
  13. Jesus. Chiefs just make all the bullshit plays.
  14. Nah Bryce is the #1 pick. If he fails we just tank and new one next year.
  15. I mean don't all HC's report to the owners?
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