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Everything posted by pantherphan96

  1. ​I am much more excited about Ginn back on ST, since according to PFR Boykin only has one career kick return. I can't see us using a roster spot on just a gunner.
  2. ​Would be a nice replacement for Dave Newton
  3. ​True, but I think that the consensus on Boykin has been too optimistic since we signed him. People expect him to be our #3 when his best season was only 600 yards in one of the best offenses in the NFL and he was basically frozen out from playing last year.
  4. You all saw what happened when he played an athletic DL with a solid secondary right?
  5. People have been way too high on Boykin the moment we signed him. Much rather have Ginn and Brown as the 3 and 4 than him.
  6. Nice first start from Rodriguez. Looks like they might keep him in Boston for another start.
  7. ​No debate: Brady, Roethlisberger, ARod, Romo, PM, Brees (though after last season i'm not too sure). maybe better, maybe worse: flacco, luck, rivers, ryan, wilson. definitely worse than cam: eli, kap, stafford, palmer. NOTE: CUTLER WAS BENCHED IN FAVOR OF JIMMY F&%$ING CLAUSEN!!!!!
  8. Pitching sure has improved in recent games, if only the bats could wake up. nice to see castillo get called up. Thinking that we are gonna wait until some team (probably Marlins, maybe Padres) gives up and starts selling off their players (preferably younger pitchers) and we package some players together for them.
  9. Most people who dislike rap/hiphop do it based off what they hear on the radio and are content to leave it at that. never met anyone who hated hiphop that could name more than what is repeated constantly on the radio.
  10. My main argument was that Watts stats are inflated by facing inferior talent in the Titans and Jags 2x a year. Also pointing out that while Luck and the Colts are strong opponents, Luck is a INT machine. I did not mean that Watt's stats are not directly affected by Luck's propensity to throw INTs, but that if you put Watt in a division without two of the worst teams, his stats would be less inflated.
  11. Artis-Payne can fill in well for Stew if/when he gets injured. Also having a healthy Tolbert aids in the run game. Would like to see us use Ginn and Philly in more end arounds like we did last year.
  12. Also you can't grade all music on the same scale. You can't grade a drama movie on the same scale as a comedy, or horror, or sci-fi film. In a similar way, you can't grade drill rap like normal rap, and can't grade mainstream rap with mainstream pop, rock, or other genres.
  13. "Rap isn't music" Listen to Outkast, Eminem, Kanye, Kendrick Lamar, Killer Mike, Freddie Gibbs, Danny Brown, Childish Gambino, and more than what is played on the radio.
  14. True, but more INTs overall, contributing to Watts inflated numbers.
  15. The media are absolutely intolerable now. These dbags actually think people care about the canned cut and paste quotes more than the actual product on the field. You could get rid of the pre-game, post-game, in-game interviews and you would not lose a single viewer.
  16. But I agree that Watt is on the NFL media hype train along with OBJ and Luck.
  17. Watt is definitely great, but he gets to play the Jags/Titans dumpster fire twice a year to pad his stats. And he gets to face INT machine Luck twice a year too.
  18. Was gonna complain about waiting 14 hours in Akron/Canton Airport with only an Arbys that was out of practically all of its food before reading this. Hope you have some reading material.
  19. Agreed. Being in the right doesn't mean anything if you are dead / seriously injured
  20. Love JStew but he is incredibly overpaid. Injury prone too. Even if you could guarantee his health for the whole year, he is still not worth what he is being paid, but it is what it is ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  21. definitely is optimistic, but i think that his floor is a .260 hitter, and with his defensive skills i would be disappointed if we trade him for an average player just because we have depth at OF.
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