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Everything posted by CoastalCat

  1. And just so we're all clear on how the world works... Remember when the Pats were taping defensive signals, and inflating the stats of sub-par players? Remember when they used to trade them away to other teams for draft picks, and they would ultimately end up being garbage elsewhere? Well, they picked up one of those guys from a draft pick acquired by trading away a stat-inflated Matt Cassel. That guy... he's mad about the punishment. https://twitter.com/PatrickChung23/status/597884710170267649
  2. So...do you have a team that you pull for? Do you not want them to have a shot at a Super Bowl? How would you feel if we never made the playoffs because the Bucs cheated and got the bid EVERY SINGLE YEAR? If it were up to me, I'd give up the Panthers first round pick every year for a handful of rings.
  3. A reply comment from "Lomez" counts as a double compliment. To anyone that didn't get that reference, I'm jealous of how much more life you lived than me in the 90's.
  4. Started in October... "Payment in the form of gifts from Jastremski to McNally was also referenced, in the form of shoes and other swag. Jastremski: I have a big needle for u this week McNally: Better be surrounded by cash and newkicks….or its a rugby sunday McNally: fug tom Jastremski: Maybe u will have some nice size 11s in ur locker McNally: Tom must really be working your balls hard this week Note that this all began about the time that Tom Brady’s season turned around, from dreadful, to pro bowl caliber as the Patriots surged. Later texts also reference getting payment in the form of shoes." http://thebiglead.com/2015/05/06/two-patriots-employees-exchanged-numerous-texts-on-deflation-scheme-starting-in-october-with-tom-brady-sucks/
  5. Shocker.... Expected this conclusion. Just like baseball, if anyone is ever consistently better than everyone else, they are juicing or cheating. Even more so in a league designed to have parity ever year.
  6. WHY does everyone keep saying that OL should be much improved this year??? We didn't draft an OT that can start, we signed the blindside, who has been dropped by 2 teams in 2 years. You know the problem. Fix it. PS: I still do agree that Cam needs work when he does get time to throw. Really hoping that he hasn't capped on his ability.
  7. I did not know that. Thanks At least he gets to pick his team. Sorry Rex...and front offices of Jags, Browns, Raiders, Titans, Jets....
  8. That argument was better suited for drafting him in the late rounds, and locking him into a low price. If a bidding war starts, and the kid doesn't already have a team in mind that he'd take anything to play for, I think he'll get his money.
  9. This play shows poor field awareness. Wide open, caught in bounds. In the NFL, this needs to be a TD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4gnMkRITZE
  10. Either way, LB was a need. Kuechly is still the only great long term player in that bunch. Just didn't think we'd address in the first. PS: a lot of his highlights have him playing RB.
  11. Yes!!! Collins!!! Yes!!!! Roman Harper and Tre Boston is not the answer! Goooooo SAFETY!!!!
  12. Whoa. I just realized that we can technically win the division with a 0-9-7 record. Mind blown. Have got to stay alive long enough to see that team win the Super Bowl.
  13. We're 4-1 against the Colts. Keep the scene alive!!! But seriously, after a quick look, we don't fare well against these seemingly easy opponents this year. Jag 2-3, Redskins 4-7, Texans 1-2, Eagles 3-6, Green Bay 4-9, Dallas 3-9, Tennessee 1-3, Seattle 2-7. Ouch. Ready to turn the tables a bit this year.
  14. I just like typing The Golden Calf of Bristol Time The Golden Calf of Bristol The Golden Calf of Bristol over and over.
  15. You make a valid point, than you go and screw up your grammar.
  16. I don't believe the "stock is dropping" ideas anymore. Last year, our original prediction was Kelvin. As the weeks went on, the predictions kept getting tweaked. Same thing with Star the year before. Still think Collins will be a first round guy.
  17. I'm not going to say it again. NO USC WIDE RECEIVERS!! Love Mel's most recent draft btw. Peat, Coates, Sample. GENIUS!
  18. It looks like they can't decide which orange to use. Look at the picture of the back of the Whitner jersey. Between the helmet, number, stripes, and name, it looks like they have 3 or 4 different colors.
  19. He's talked up good players too. But no, none of the bad players that he's talked up have been good players. But surprisingly enough, all the good players he's talked up, really haven't been that bad.
  20. I'm only good for uploading a needlessly complicated spreadsheet, as I have no opinions of my own.
  21. I still liked the idea of keeping him and using this situation to save a little loot. Let the past be the past. Yes, we spent 13m for almost nothing last year, but it had to have put us in a better negotiating position than if he'd played all year, and well. The fact that DG isn't trying to take advantage of this situation by being pragmatic doesn't speak much to his "all business" mentality. Either way, if Hardy goes, I hope it's the Raiders. AFC + far away.
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