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About Pazhoosier89

  • Birthday 09/06/1984


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  1. Eddy acting like he is Justin Tucker.
  2. Thicker kicker going to take his job. Apparently he posted a video showing he is at a beach somewhere. He's not good enough to be holding out and his former special teams coach is no longer here
  3. https://x.com/josephperson/status/1795868752346558814?t=DZ7VWPLFry_iV59852ZjjQ&s=19 Eddy sure picked a bad time to not show up to camp.
  4. https://x.com/MySportsUpdate/status/1793056463851598265?t=IrU-gyCiDHunLZ5jQ3YATw&s=19 This has been long overdue. Hope this sticks. I believe they use this technology in the UFL.
  5. Kooch in goal and Kuznetzov back. Let's go. Freddie has let some soft goals through. Good move.
  6. I would like to see them bring over some Chiefs scouts that Tillis may know.
  7. Mevis on this list is interesting. He nailed a 63 yard FG to win a game this past year. He's got a big leg.
  8. One of the better defensive performers at the Senior Bowl. He had 2 picks in the game. Interesting that both defense picks went to the Senior Bowl.
  9. Bring Gilly on. This guy can complete for the starter at nickel corner.
  10. Beaux Limmer Arkansas is a good prospect.
  11. No, signed more free agents than we lost
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