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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. and fox had enough balls to tell the person who drafted him to fug off and benched him
  2. Bryce doesn’t belong in the nfl but he’s not going to he cut. they’ll bring in a veteran in the spirit of open competition, the vet will win the job in preseason, and Bryce will quietly sit on the bench unless there’s an injury. There will occasionally be calls to see what he can do, and maybe he even fills in well for garbage time or an injury start here or there, but no coach who can make decisions will put him out there again for a full season. in three more years the panthers will decline to pick up his fifth year option, he’ll get a training camp invite somewhere maybe, and he’ll decide to “pursue other opportunities” in television or whatever. that is how the story of Bryce the nfl qb will end.
  3. Maybe. That would be funny as hell.
  4. Nah Arthur Blank can (effectively) pay as much as tepper can if he wants to. Theres no salary cap for coaches, but tepper isn’t going to pay someone so much that blank can’t match. if tepper wants to do one thing to really piss off the other owners it’d be insanely inflating coaching salaries for the third time in five years.
  5. And Bryce defenders in general are a perfect example of several well known and understood psychiatric phenomenon. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and obviously there’s some sunk cost fallacy going on: we have to stick with him because we paid so much for him etc but I’m starting to think this is closer to people who are scammed by someone and defend the scammer. Total mosquito coast bullshit. Easier to defend the scammer than to admit they were scammed. deep down it’s a vestigial adaptation: the group of monkeys working together to fight regardless of the leader are going to be more successful than unorganized ones etc. A huge portion of this fan base were scammed by the national media, the owner, the coaches about Bryce and they cannot reconcile that. So they focus on everything else except Bryce.
  6. Its why it’s a delusion: false fixed belief. nondelusional people can’t think that way.
  7. Job just screams Ben Johnson. got all the offensive pieces, they just need a reclamation qb.
  8. lmao vilma trying to sound sincere with the bump into bryce's first possession
  9. Bryce is lil Bridget from homestar update the spreadsheet
  10. I was cautiously optimistic during the preseason but something definitely seemed wrong. by the third drive against the falcons it was clear there were serious problems.
  11. Bryce defenders love to point out missed blocks or whatever thry never seem to put together why defenses can stay in cover zero against the panthers and send extra rushers every down.
  12. Fitterer or Tepper? Does anyone have that picture of Fitt sitting by himself at Buffalo Wild Wings? Just the saddest poo.
  13. is there a summary for those of us with real jobs who can't watch youtube videos all day
  14. it'd be just like bruce allen in Washington if Fitt is retained.
  15. Leaf also got addicted to opioids early in his career and given what we now know about the Chargers and their team doctors that shouldn't be surprising. He's a success story for fighting OUD. He was drafted into a terrible situation just like Bryce, but unlike him Leaf actually could have succeeded in the NFL. Bryce doesn't have that chance. I saw Leaf throw a 60 yard touchdown pass in the air while being dragged down from behind by a Panthers blitzer. Like getting pulled backwards to the ground and throwing a perfect bomb. One of the most impressive throws I have ever witnessed at BoA.
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