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Everything posted by uncfan888

  1. Yeah Robbie Anderson can get the fug outta here. His extension was a mistake from the day it was signed
  2. My thoughts are the same same as what I think about your threads... Both shitty
  3. I'm saying zero cuz I'll lose my fugin mind if they hire him
  4. Zero chance Dan Quinn is our next coach
  5. They need to sit baker and let PJ be qb. At least the whole fan base will understand they're flushing this season down the toilet. Baker is fugin awful
  6. Defense will keep it close until they get tired cuz out offense can't do anything right. Then the lead will open up
  7. This game is over. Hopefully rhule gets fired tomorrow
  8. Half our defense out today.. Matt rhule got his excuse locked and loaded
  9. They won't be empty.. There will be a whole lotta red
  10. The tank is occurring whether you like it or not
  11. Season is over 5 days into October. Thanks tep
  12. We've reached the point where bigkat starts flooding the board with pointless threads
  13. Tepper didn't pick Rivera. He'd have to admit he made a mistake if he fires rhule in the middle of the season
  14. End of the year. Let him fly this plane all the way into the ground and give your new coach the first pick in the draft
  15. I will say, darnold threw to the other team... Baker just throws to no one on either team
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