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About uncfan888

  • Birthday 09/07/1983

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  1. Yeah, looking at coker and legette, I'd honestly think coker was the higher pick. Even though he has some drops too, he has much better hands and can high point the ball
  2. This is the polite way of saying "Bryce is not the qb I want in my offense"
  3. @rayzorwhose alt is this champagne guy? I have some ideas
  4. Most teams in that situation would run and then line up for the game winner. I don't think Canales trusts Bryce or has confidence in him but not because of that series
  5. I think if lost today, they'd go back to Dalton after the bye. But they can't after two wins
  6. Bryce isn't the answer. He's playing better than he did in the past but it's still not good enough to matter in the NFL. We've got talent on offense... Just gotta find that qb
  7. This year is about evaluation and experience for the rookies. I don't think Bryce is qb here next year so we have to evaluate the stuff around him and build on it next season
  8. Panthers aren't exactly juggernauts. It's nice winning two in a row
  9. I'd fire Evero and offer Saleh the DC role during the bye week
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