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About uncfan888

  • Birthday 09/07/1983

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  1. He'll either prove he can be the qb this year or we'll have a high pick and another shot at a franchise qb. Tepper just needs to stay out of the way and not fire the coach if things go poorly
  2. That would be a good first year improvement
  3. I feel like our piece of poo owner that can't even stand a bar sign talking about him is pulling these strings
  4. It's fitterer all over again. fug David tepper
  5. For real. Until proven otherwise, the two WRs we got are
  6. They're setting up the quarterback for success. Whether it's him or someone else in next year's draft. Hopefully it's him because that makes things considerably better for us in the long run
  7. Meh. Should have just picked at 39. This is too fitterer-esque for me
  8. We don't need a draft haul. We need to quit trying to overthink things and draft at 33 and 39
  9. They probably ban you cuz the stuff you post is idiotic and spammy
  10. Cool.. Maybe he can play for us for a year and then go back to the Bengals while we pay most of his salary just like vonn bell
  11. Dude signed a 2 year contract with us in March of 21 and was released in September. Fitterer magic baby
  12. At least he and Jaycee can play battleship together in the physical therapy room after week 3
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