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Everything posted by Martin

  1. What about Will Rogers? Never seen him play, don’t know anything about him, but his stats are really good and consistent:
  2. If Rhule gets fired, I want it to be announced by Fitt, showing he is now in charge of the new coaching search etc. I think him and Dan can make a very good combo. Between the two of them I think/hope they can finally find a QB. I think he’s been somewhat held back by Rhule.
  3. I can see it happens if a college teams take on some of his salary, but that would be reason.
  4. I agree, not sure if he’s ready or not. I do think he is an authentic strong natural leader, former player etc. So he has a lot going for him. But it is a big step.
  5. Really enjoyed watching them today and how much they free up the other players on defense. On Luvu’s forced fumble, Brown backed the guard in to the RB so he had nowhere to go. Awesome job by Luvu, but that would not have happened without Brown. Multiple pressures happened as Burns forced the QB to move. They had a lot of other great plays as well, most that didn’t show up in the stat sheet. Great stuff all around.
  6. I’ll record it and watch it in the evening, will do everything I can to not see the result ahead of time. Got some yard work to do and the weather is just to good this weekend to spend the early afternoon in front of the screeen.
  7. Agree to the above, it his 100% Teppers fault. He is the enabler here. Why would Rhule leave on his own with that contract?
  8. Yeah he is put in a bad situation, no doubt. But I feel we’ve seen years of outstanding college QBs from Ohio State amount to nothing in the NFL. Their system is just so good and they are always surrounded by elite talent. Just makes me hesitant.
  9. Not sure on Lewis, but I agree with mid tier colleges and having to rise up as you are not surrounded by elite talent. That is a great point!
  10. This scares me about all Ohio State QBs, that system is sooooo good in College. But does the performance of the QBs in it really translate to the NFL?
  11. And he has thrown a lot of passes, which is a great thing for evaluating him.
  12. Thank you for sharing! I was hoping Baker would take us out if the QB draft, but it sure doesn’t look like it. The Washington and Washington State QBs are really intriguing, will be interesting to see if they continue to climb the draft boards.
  13. I think it might be. The reason is that we still don’t know if things will change. The 1-15 season we kind of new changes would come. Once Rhule is fired this will no longer be the worst, then we can focus on players improving etc. and look for the little stuff that would set us up for the next year.
  14. I think the O-line has been pretty good so far. Baker seem to run away from the protection a lot and also takes very deep drops.
  15. Ballard is interesting. Everyone raves about him, but he hasn’t been able to find a QB, so the results are not there. Complete side note, but isn’t he also the guy who forced people to sleep in the office during draft prep or something weird like that?
  16. I’d also I really like the idea of Dorsey at HC and Fangio at DC (I think we have really good personnel for his 3-4 scheme). Would love Frank Reich as the OC, assuming he gets fired from the Colts. That would give Dorsey two very strong coordinators with HC experience. I’d probably keep our current Special Teams coach.
  17. I think you are right. He’s at the point where everyone else knew it and said it out loud two years ago. The firing of Rhule is him admitting he was wrong and everyone else was right. And that’s why he won’t fire Rhule until we are mathematically out of the playoffs. Which should help our draft position I guess.
  18. I was hopeful we could win despite of Rhule this season with some of the new coaches. But I underestimated his negative impact once again.
  19. It feels like some weird dynamic between Tepper and Rhule holding the firing of Rhule up. Maybe money, maybe ego. Tepper didn’t hesitate to make quick decisions for the new training facility, Charlotte FC coaching (which actually looks like the correct move) etc. Something’s up here. I didn’t buy that he’s ok with this. He really hates loosing at anything.
  20. He looked pretty good outside of two mistakes. Slipped on one sack if I remember. Seems like people have an agenda on Ickey to be honest. Really improved over last game. I’m feeling good about his play. He looked way ahead of the other rookie Neal, RT for the giants.
  21. I’m a Tar Heel and I’m the same way, always root for App when we aren’t playing them. Most of my App friends are Tar Heel basketball supporters, so a lot of overlap.
  22. Nicely done! Looks like a beautiful day, and nice size fish!
  23. I went to Wilson Creek three weeks back and it was still too warm, had to stop fishing by 7:30am. If you go, let me know how it is. Hopefully the water temp has come down in the last few weeks.
  24. How did Neal look last week? I know he struggled at RT during pre-season, but I did not watch the Giants game, but it sounds like you did. I always thought Cross was the most ready pass protection LT, and Ickey was the best run game LT with very high upside as a pass protector. I feel Neal is too big and not a LT. But I’m the first to admit I’m no expert evaluating O-line.
  25. There is a lot of potential in this group, but will they live up to it and go beyond potential and upside? My very unpopular opinion is that this years QB group is over hyped. Some of them remind me of the Tua hype. And I think he was waaaay over rated coming out. Admittedly I have no insights to back this up, just a gut feel. So feel free to bash my opinion
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