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About pamlicopanther

  • Birthday 01/16/1968

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  1. So have any of you tried these THCA products? Apparently as sold it simply has the legal amount of thc making it able to be sold but when heated such as by lighting it to smoke it thc is released and it is just like the currently illegal product. I personally have not tried it but know folks who quit buying the currently illegal stuff as this is just as good and legal. Again, I have only been told these things.
  2. That was good but Pizza Inn was even better Actually still have one with the buffet here in the little tiny town near me.
  3. Good suggestion I use mine all the time When I do burgers I get them all the same size according to weight
  4. Yep, the majority of us have always been getting screwed but the screw is on big time right now
  5. Nothing beats the rot rack clearance meats at food lion right at expiration I keep my freezer well stocked at some great prices
  6. Exactly - Totally agree
  7. Love fried fish too. I grew up on the river here in Eastern NC and my grandfather fished as part of his income We always had fried flounder, fried soft crabs and all kinds of local seafood
  8. I love to cook, especially on the grill. I am always trying to come up with different meals that my family will enjoy.
  9. Last time I ate at mcdonalds which was probably a couple years ago it sucked so bad and was so expensive I swore I would never go back. Really do not understand why people pay that price for such terrible quality of food.
  10. I live in Eastern NC about 20 miles east of Greenville. With my job I am in areas further east of there where cellular coverage can be very tough. I had US Cellular for years and it was not very good. Lots of dropped calls and area with poor service. I also found their billing process and explanations confusing. In the last yesr I switched to Tmobile and it is much better and cheaper. I even have my home internet with them now as I get a strong 5G signal from them. So, I really recommend Tmobile as it has been great for me and I am guessing we have similar issues.
  11. Heard a conversation with Dave Grohl on the radio today about the recording of In Utero and working with Steve. Interesting discussion.
  12. Nice cats Your orange cat looks just like one of ours....Hercules Here is the white cat....Snowball She sleeps with me everyday in the recliner
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