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  1. If going hair of the dog with cheap piss water beer is a crime then throw my ass in jail
  2. He gets '24. If he plays bad enough we're likely in position to draft a quarterback anyway.
  3. That was probably my favorite offseason of all time. There was buzz that Cam was about to take the next step, Star had just fallen to us in the draft, we trolled the hell out of Dave Dameshek, etc.
  4. No less productive than discussing the possibility of the Panthers relocating.
  5. We went to the Japanese Gardens on a rare sunny day and there were like a hundred of that girl walking around
  6. I've never been to Seattle, but I've been to Portland OR and every young woman there looks like Kathleen Hannah in that one Sonic Youth video. So if you're into that then I highly recommend the pacific northwest.
  7. Well we'll see who's laughing in February when-haha I can't do it. I would take 4 or 5 wins with 6 or 7 being sit up and pay attention territory. If we somehow make the playoffs I'll offer Bryce Young a soft drink of his choice.
  8. I could listen to him read the phone book, love that accent he's got.
  9. I'll explain it to you like somebody who still gives a poo about whether people wear a mask alone in their car. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates' transgender chemtrails were distributed by George Soros via cans of Bud Light with Dylan Mulvaney's face on it to Hunter Biden's laptop. This was then telepathically transmitted to Seth Rich who used his ivermectin and HCQ powered brain waves to make Bryce Young throw inaccurate passes.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/arts/music/steve-albini-dead.html He was highly controversial, politically incorrect, and a self-described asshole early in his career before mellowing out, but he's an absolute icon of music engineering/production (although he disliked the label of "producer"). He recorded Nirvana's In Utero, Surfer Rosa by the Pixies, and countless other artists including The Breeders, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, Helmet, The Stooges, and so on. He famously refused to take residuals on albums he recorded, passing up what would have been millions of dollars because he considered the practice unethical. His own bands Big Black and Shellac were also influential in their own right. His later efforts focused on running his studio in Chicago, Electrical Audio, which catered to both independent and major label bands and artists until his death.
  11. "Haha, you won 7 championships, what a loser"
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