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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. They're all upcoming. We likely won't get a date until closer to the actual day of the visits.
  2. "Who the hell is Mel Kiper" will always be one of the funniest moments in draft history My personal opinion: Daniel Jeremiah is the best of the draftniks right now. Used to be Mike Mayock but man did that stint with the Raiders hurt his rep. (even If it really was Gruden making the choices)
  3. And that's the thing. We keep getting reporters saying it's this guy or it's that guy when the reality Is that decision just has not been made yet. They're ultimately just making educated guesses. (some more educated than others)
  4. I think ESPN has a decent successor to Mortensen in Adam Schefter. They've been trying forever to groom Todd McShay as their eventual successor to Mel Kiper and I just don't see it working.
  5. I think the premise of the question assumes that a player is average to adequate in the less preferred department.
  6. I'm...not really sure what to make of this
  7. I never know how seriously to take stuff like that. I recall Lance Briggs saying there was no way he'd ever play for the Bears again shortly before he resigned for a big contract. Sometimes it's just posturing.
  8. Is it just me or does it feel like there's a lot of O-linemen in these visits?
  9. Same. Hate to see it. He and John Clayton used to be the kings of insider info.
  10. Sheena Quick asks the question... The vast majority of her responses are 70/30 in favor of football IQ. My own would probably be 75/25.
  11. This Pro Football Network article by Arif Hasan offers a pretty good breakdown of the situation. What to Know about Ex-Cardinals VP Complaint
  12. I'd forgotten that was during his time Mike Kaye is saying there's actually way bigger allegations than just the burner phone stuff.
  13. Only one first rounder really since we got the #1 in return. That, plus one of the second rounders we gave up was an extra.
  14. He might end up being right, but the word from the Panthers about that decision not being made yet is very believable.
  15. It being an in division trade makes it seem kind of unlikely, but yeah to be hysterical
  16. Another option... And yeah, that'd be some funny sh-t
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