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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. From Hue Jackson to Gregg Williams to Freddie Kitchens to Kevin Stefanski, Mayfield has only known turnover at head coach. Jackson, Todd Hailey, Kitchens, Todd Monken and Alex Van Pelt have all either held play-calling duties and/or the offensive coordinator title for Mayfield since his arrival in 2018. ...who could possible succeed under this leadership...this group makes fhule look competent...we got a steal...give the kid some room.... he can play. Is he perfect? No. If he was throwing to Kelce and Hill people wouldn't be talking about Mahomes...
  2. ...Is he the one to lead us to the promise land...who knows...but I like everything he brings to the table...
  3. ...they are idiots...I know... Watson on the verge of missing 2 whole seasons...you don't just pop back up in the top 5 after that... thank God we missed that mess...
  4. you said let them compete...compete for what? Sams 18 mill is gone , we already lost that.. Compete lol... Not much comprehension needed...Everytime you open your mouth you prove you're a pin brain...
  5. ...Ummm comon .... Sam sucks...quit trying to make anything about him legitimate .... He has no value. none.
  6. ...I don't want to see Darnhold in a Panther Uni ever again...If Im the billionaire his azz would be gone... If our season is going so damn bad that we have to install him at QB...hell... just put Corral in at QB... he holds no value whatsoever...cut him.
  7. ...thats one argument...but I don't see how this dude is going to help us....If I owned a McDonalds...he wouldn't get the job..
  8. Doesn't matter, we gonna smoke those bitches... NO gonna get back to suckin...
  9. We have some hope... Kinda rag tag.. Bad News Bears feel... we have talent...if each individual challenges himself to truly be better versus just grabbing a paycheck...who knows. We now have a capable QB with some rough edges and some decent talent around him, minus Robbie.... Its really going to be up to Snow and McAdoo to pull it together...Coaching and player relationships is everything.
  10. ...can't cut him...we're stuck with him...maybe he gets a bug up his azz and actually produces but I'm not holding my breath...ya feel me?
  11. Hopefully they learned something...and I think they did with Mayfield.
  12. hes definitely big mouth no action... contract has us trapped...
  13. We'll find out who McAdoo is real soon... Might be a chance for Mayfield to evaluate his skill set...Karma a bitch.
  14. ..I mean...the air may be let out of my balloon by the 3rd 4th game. I'm prepared for that..
  15. As a fan...I want to win... Mayfield gives us that best chance...the catch 22 is if he is successful ...Rhules azz will hang around. This kid can play and hes gutsy and doesn't shy away... I'm finally excited about the upcoming season.
  16. You can by not giving them what they want....then they move the team and win a couple superbowls...i.e. See Cleveland Browns and Art Modell
  17. We ain't gonna shock sht if CMC can't stay healthy ...hes the elephant in the room for this year and next...Be nice if robbys mouth equates to his catching ability ....
  18. Browns sht all over Mayfield... thought he and Stefanski working together had the ability to make things right...Wrong!. Browns are a shtty organization and I've witnessed this for 55 years... its really sad.
  19. ...I hope so... Keek and Davis just plain spoiled us...
  20. Ok Mark... Let me know what happens when you take these off...
  21. If Darnold starts it would be a Clevelandesque move from the staff. I have definitely watched my last Darnold start...
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