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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Where the hell is that designed Cam power run on first down!?
  2. After that throw to Ginn, I saw that look in Cam's face that I saw in the second half of his game against Alabama. That "fug this poo, we're winning this game" look. I love it.
  3. First down, take the shot. Get Ginn and Smitty on the same side. Make the safety pick one. Throw to the one the safety doesn't cover.
  4. Defense needs a stop right here. Field position gets swung and we're in business.
  5. It's like Mike Shula thinks HE has 30 seconds to call the play and Cam has 30 seconds to run it. Bitch, have a play for every scenario ready to go so you can get it in and we can run with it and move.
  6. Shula needs to quit being cutesy with the calls. Holy poo, it's 3rd and 3. You have Stewart, Cam, and Tolbert at your disposal. fuging run the ball!
  7. Tackling Tolbert Rule #1: You don't try to lay the big hit on Tolbert. Bad things happen to good people.
  8. I'm staying cautiously optimistic until we score a TD. We know this team. We know that one TD is what it takes to get them rolling and feeling like the badass mother fugers they are.
  9. Being disappointed and saying "man, this fuging sucks" or "this isn't looking good" is one thing. Saying, "welp, we lose" is a loser's mentality and I hate how fair-weather some people here are.
  10. Some of you saying "that's game" after one half of football and being down by 9 need to just back to the cave that you crawled out of last month when we started winning. Goddamn negative Nancy.
  11. "Oh, we're running the ball well. It's 3rd and short? Let's pass the ball." </Shula>
  12. Still early. Defense showed up, at least. ST needs to get their heads out of their collective ass. Just get the fug away from the football
  13. If there was a game this season where we need to pull out all the stops, it's this one. I know everybody here hates the read option, but we gotta get Cam going and keep the blitz off as much as possible. Not saying lean on it, but run it about twice as much as we normally do at least.
  14. Slow start. Still a lot of game left. Defense is gonna have to hold on until our offense finds traction. At least Nortman punted that ball into fuging outer space.
  15. Our defensive ends need to do better at sealing and Klein and TD have to step up and fill those gaps. Gore will gash us off tackle all day if we can't fix that. We saw what happened on the first play though. You don't run inside too often on us. Tough drop by Cap. But, he IS a DB for a reason. Not supposed to have good hands. I'll take a dropped INT over an allowed catch any day.
  16. So, I'm starting a bastard version of CrossFit tomorrow. I call it a bastard version because my school's gym doesn't have too much nice equipment, so it's mostly improvised/substituted workouts, but follows (loosely) the CrossFit model. I am nervous as hell about it because the guy I am working with is in crazy shape, and I have a tendency to try to keep up with whoever it is I am working with and getting frustrated if they are ahead of me (and he is). Basically, I sense a lot of frustration in this workout, at least for this first week. I feel like my body will bounce back pretty well in the following weeks, since I've maintained some sense of athleticism, and I get enough of a pump that I think muscle memory will kick in pretty quickly and I'll climb back up to where I was a year ago. I just want to lose this looseness in my core and tighten back up everywhere else. I hate feeling like I'm jiggling as I walk. No bueno.
  17. Yeah, I'm avoiding the gym except the wee-hours of the morning here on campus when nobody is up early enough to work out (literally empty until about 10). And if it is uncharacteristically packed, I'll stick to my MMA training and body weight stuff and try to jump in during transition times when it calms down to get some dumbbell work done. In and out.
  18. Well, I started off doing a different body part each day for about 3 weeks, then got out of it (partly due to laziness, partly due to school-work overload). Took about 3 weeks, and started back power lifting about 2 weeks ago. I've done about 3 weeks of p90x before. I liked it, but it was hard to pull (ripped the DVDs from a friend, and didnt have ANY equipment, so i had to write down the workout and wait for stuff to come open at the gym. Not really practical. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I do bench, squat, incline, power/hang clean (hang on wednesday), leg press, and push press. Tuesday and Thursday, I break down the small muscle groups throughout my body and do cardio.
  19. Any suggestions on a workout simply to look and feel great? I had been on a power-lifting regimen, but the compound lifts are not really doing it for me as far as my look goes (though, I'm getting my strength back to high school levels). I am lost as far as toning and definition workouts go, so any pointers?
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